Reviews for Darcy's Jealous Love
MAC Nicholls chapter 13 . 7/16
She gave in too easy. He should have been without and tied to the chair all night!
Colleen S chapter 32 . 7/11
Lord this Covid is relentless! The news is heartbreaking! That's a good idea to contact our representatives! Great, happy story!
Colleen S chapter 27 . 7/11
Even the sexy parts are sweet!
Colleen S chapter 23 . 7/11
Colleen S chapter 12 . 7/11
Funny story! Half the county is visiting Pemberley so when those goofballs attack with loud-mouthed Lydia around, it should be fun to read!
Colleen S chapter 4 . 7/11
Oh boy!
Corbert4ever chapter 32 . 6/27
I have thoroughly enjoyed this story! A much needed and welcome diversion in lockdown, here in the UK. Thank you so much.
E chapter 32 . 6/6
Love your use of dialogue in this story - teasing and fun. I thought the birth and sex after unrealistic, but I suppose that's what fiction is for. :) Overall, great job.
maddyv chapter 32 . 5/27
Cute story. Thanks
Lucille12 chapter 32 . 5/21
Enjoyed this story and all the various twists and turns. Thank you for writing and look forward to reading more!
Levenez chapter 30 . 5/20
Donc en voilà quatre pour le prix d’un! Merci beaucoup et j’attends la prochaine histoire avec impatience.
Levenez chapter 32 . 5/20
Du nämnde att du gillar kommentar på andra språk...
Levenez chapter 32 . 5/20
It has been fun and a bit naughty to read.
Levenez chapter 31 . 5/20
Vielen Dank für diese Geschichte!
Deanna27 chapter 32 . 5/19
thank you for sharing your story with us
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