Reviews for First Steps
MajorSam chapter 43 . 19h
Now I want cookies! Gaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Also, I kid you not, I had a dream about Sadie. No joke. You've gotten in my head : : : : :
Dardanelle chapter 9 . 22h
This chapter is all kinds of lovely, but what will stay with me is how Lucy now feels confident in Wyatt and herself. How she grabs his hand for reassurance when they arrive at the BBQ to meet his friends for the first time. Wyatt is now someone close to her. How she walks up to Wyatt and Gwen, and I love that nod to "sweetheart" on the show, to bail him out/stake her claim! And not the least how the three of them they leave together.
Dardanelle chapter 8 . 23h
This fic continues to be such a delight!

Sorry to drag you all the way back to the beginning of this fic, when you have gone above and beyond for all the readers of your very first fic, my friend, and continuing writing and sharing well beyond the show.

A movie and pizza, yes, totally a (non) date. Would absolutely put that in the appointment category... Dentist, movie & pizza with attractive guy & sweet son, optometrist, yeah, all of those totally in the appointment category :D

And yes, really, shirtless Wyatt, again?! Watch it or you'll end up on the same path as me, Wyatt and Lucy in bed. Again ;)
Jbiemann chapter 43 . 7/24
I couldn’t be happier. That you’re saying that it’s going to be at least several more chapters. You know how much I love the story and I can’t wait to keep reading. Thanks for not giving up on it
MajorSam chapter 42 . 7/9
Oh my gracious me, a whole dang lil dedication at the beginning! I should "patiently" wait more often ;) I also just want pizza now... and breadsticks...

And the rest of the conversation.

And yeah, DUH Jessica would approve of Lucy, and this new family! Mmmmhmmm. AND of Jaime getting a sibling ;)
Emilee Amethyst chapter 42 . 7/8
Wow, this chapter is very much the opposite of the previous one. It was kind of crazy, that argument seemed realistic. I think that getting some sleep helped them a lot when it came to talking things out. They both apologized and shared the truth. They can look to the future instead of the past, whether that be a few hours, days, or years ago. They have both come so far, but I have to say especially Wyatt in this chapter. I think that's the way its meant to be. I can see where this might have led to any ending, but I'm glad there is more to come!
Chgrgal chapter 42 . 7/8
Well I personally hope that you continue to carry on with this story just a little longer. I would love to read marriage proposal at least.
Shelly chapter 42 . 7/6
You are absolutely the sweetest! I am not as conflicted as you are about continuing their story because I absolutely love it, but I understand your thoughts of wanting to finally have it as a finished project. I'm sure I've mentioned it before but this was my first Lyatt AU and I skipped over this fic for a long time because I just wanted more "deleted scenes" so to speak. How wrong I was because this is one of my favorites and not just in the Timeless fandom! Thank you for continuing and keeping these wonderful characters alive for us! Hugs to you!
lezzles1956 chapter 42 . 7/5
You dont HAVE to leave the universe behind, even when this story is done! wink wink. I felt like that about my Castle novella, but I drop in from time to time to write little snapshots from their future. I would LOVE for you to do the same, cos I love your little universe too.
Thank you for sharing
Lyatt1941 chapter 42 . 7/5
I got behind and had two chapters to read instead of just the one...but after a week away with the family, it was truly something wonderful to come home to.
I just love the relationship Lucy has with Jamie especially...and now that they have this shared trauma, it’s only made them closer...and it’s made Wyatt appreciate them all the more...and given him that nudge he needs to make Jamie’s little dream come true! I know I came so late into this still feels new to me, but having written on two certain fics of my own for a long long time, I understand how hard it is to close the door.

Thanks for the update, it was wonderful! Can’t wait to read more!
MajorSam chapter 41 . 7/2
Uh oh... I finally started reading, like you told me to. And am now caught up. But it's... not finished... uh ohhhhh
Dardanelle chapter 7 . 6/21
Yep, Lucy shouldn't have turned down the 'proposal' so quickly ;)
Loved the exchange with Wyatt and Baumgardner and how we get to see both Lucy's and Wyatt's POVs.
Dardanelle chapter 6 . 6/21
This lovely chapter made me smile/snort a number of times. Yes, where did stay away from the garlic bread instinct come from Wyatt? :) Probably from the same place that had him lighting candles. Rufus and Jiya should join Julie and Amy to encourage/push Lucy and Wyatt!

Good for Lucy not just brushing off Jamie's suggestion that she marry his father in embarrassment and instead ask him why, guessing her teaching experience is helping her here. And good for Lucy planting that goodnight kiss on his cheek. Maybe Wyatt standing in her personal space not once but twice was a helpful hint...
Jbiemann chapter 41 . 6/20
Well that makes me sad. But Wyatt deserved it. I love this story. I also get excited when I see an update. Can’t wait for more!
annie chapter 41 . 6/20
Phew Gracie, that was a tough fight you had going there! Maybe a necessary one though and one that was slumbering for a while? Gosh, lyatt and angst:, though you'd want nothing more than them being happy, it makes stories great and this was done very, very well! Thank you for the chapter and making me pine now for the next one!
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