Reviews for Thomas and Friends - Original Stories
Guest chapter 3 . 5/19
I know how Gordon felt I used to have a fear of Butterflies too now I don't anymore
Twilight Sparkle Productions chapter 6 . 2/15
Henry: Charlie, your 'humour' has the wit and charm of rotting fish.
(I still like Charlie, BTW)
EndlessWire94 chapter 16 . 11/2/2019
Nice story - I loved the dynamic between Edward and Emily.
ShootingStarStories2 chapter 15 . 9/14/2019
I swear this story reminds me of Late again Oliver by Arsdale Productions on YT. Some parts are almost the same as that. EVEN THE SYPNOSIS is the same as the episode on YT Sypnosis. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
ShootingStarStories2 chapter 14 . 9/2/2019
I liked crossed lines better, yes it could have Toby in it as a minor or a major role. This story is not very interesting. An engine lost in the fog, where have that I seen that before? (COUGH Spencer in the fog COUGH) Crossed lines are better because one, it explains those well wagons very well and they aren't seen very much in the TV series. Second, it introduces a multi-track drift. The Flatbed is sideways and crashes into a signal causing it to fall over. The multi-track drifting happens in train accidents. One in Canada recently happened. A passenger was entering a yard when suddenly, one of the coaches bogies went one way and the back bogie the other way. Luckily the train wasn't going very fast and was able to stop before the coach flipped over and no one was hurt. Third, an RWS story doesn't FEEL complete if it has only three stories. I mean, it kinda feels rushed if the story has only three chapters. Where does all this boasting go? Not to mention, you failed a complete arc. Maybe you could have Deep freeze take place a few days after crossed lines where James still hates diesels and doesn't know his cap is frozen and his injector has failed. But that's my view but I still like stories that have completion to it. Sorry for the rant to.
eliot reader chapter 13 . 7/16/2019
i really liked how you have written this story i think its nice how you put the scottish twins Donald and Douglas in it so they would get to meet Sidney the diesel shunter it would be nice if they became friends in one of your story have you had any thoughts about having Rebecca try on engine sized sunglasses like she did in her dream in the CGI episode what Rebecca does? when i watched it i thought she looked cool wearing them.
Eddie Kennedy chapter 14 . 5/25/2019
A Damper On Duncan - 8/10

This one was good. Duncan was written well, and the other characters played their parts well. I found it a bit odd how Luke would just be able to roll over a lump of sand (depending on how big it was), though I guess Duncan performing his rock n roll was a reason for losing sand that made sense. The story flowed well, even if it wasn’t necessarily brilliant. Good job
ThomasEmilyFan chapter 13 . 5/12/2019
Mavis’ Day Out - 10/10

This would probably be my second favorite you wrote after Nature Vs. Nurture. I can get over the whole Mavis running out of fuel thing, even if her driver would have made her, cuz everything else here is top notch. It’s great seeing the old side of Mavis blending with some of her current persona, Toby is great and his heart-to-heart with Mavis at the end was fantastic, and Thomas and Terrence were also pretty much superb. Great work!
ThomasEmilyFan chapter 12 . 5/12/2019
Trucks for scrap - 9.5/10

Excellent! Sorry I haven’t read in a while but the story is adapted very well, BoCo is well in character, and the other characters play great supporting roles. My only issue is that D&D coulda been slimmed down to one character while the other was doing something else. More likely Douglas since he was in the original story. But it was an awesome story all the same and I really enjoyed it!
ThomasEmilyFan chapter 11 . 4/3/2019
Christmas On The Roads - 9.5/10

Excellent! Bertie and Bulgy are in perfect character and Duck also played a great role, getting Bertie’s overconfidence up. It did seem like a turned-on-heads scenario as a reader like myself would expect Bertie to teach Bulgy a lesson yet it was the other way around here. My only nitpick was that Bertie’s driver wouldn’t have let him take too many passengers but I guess there wasn’t really an alternative option to move the story along. Great job!
ThomasEmilyFan chapter 10 . 4/1/2019
Spooky Shunting - 8.5/10

Pretty good. Diesel and Paxton were written well and their dynamic was well handled, and BoCo and Stafford also played fun roles. I don’t understand though why this story took place a few days before Halloween and not on Halloween night. Ah well. This story was fun to read nothenless. Keep it up!
ThomasEmilyFan chapter 9 . 3/29/2019
Enginenapped! - 9/10

Really solid, and much better than your last narrow gauge outing. The story was tight, Rheneas and Skarloey are written very well, and the other narrow gauge engines play their parts well. Also, the two boys receiving their comeuppance was nice to imply. I just wished Skarloey’s crew could have been a bit wider than to leave him in full steam, but it’s okay I guess to allow the story to happen. Also, Skarloey being derailed would rather more realistically have damaged his wheels and have him sent to the Works instead of putting him immediately back in commission. Other than that, I really enjoyed this.
ThomasEmilyFan chapter 8 . 3/27/2019
No Laughing Matter - 8/10

Overall, pretty solid. It led on from the other Charlie story well and everyone seemed in character. Perhaps this should have come immediately after “April Fools”. It’s not necessarily perfect though. You’d think that Charlie learnt his lesson about telling jokes yet he does it again here. But if it helps to flow the story along, I guess it can be overcome. Also, when the train bashed into Charlie, he probably would have derailed immediately. Other than that, really good.
ThomasEmilyFan chapter 7 . 3/26/2019
Oliver Slips Up - 7/10

It’s a nice story, really, though I feel like it was a little rough around the edges. I didn’t know what to make of that S20 reference, especially since Oliver was calling Ryan out when he was only trying to help. Some of the dialogue could’ve been better, though your character interactions were great! Distinguishing characteristics for the slippies worked I guess. Nice effort
ThomasEmilyFan chapter 6 . 3/25/2019
Nature Vs Nurture - 10/10

Omg. This was literally the best story I’ve seen you write so far. Everyone here is so beautifully in character; Max and Monty are hilarious from start to finish, GWR Oliver’s idea being as far-fetched as it was put him pretty much in character with Toad attempting to put him in is his place, and Kelly and Oliver’s battle for authority worked wonders. Not to mention Isobella was also spectacular. It was an outstanding lead on from a somewhat decent story and it would’ve fit in beautifully had it been televised. I’m so excited to read more of your stories, mate! Keep it up!
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