Reviews for Shore of Nightmares
Guest chapter 23 . 7/9
This is where it goes wrong for me because Oliver would never sleep with Sara now because he’s in love with Felicity. Ever since the start of season 3, even when they weren’t together, Oliver could only see Felicity and pined for her when they weren’t together.
bjq chapter 40 . 7/9
bjq chapter 39 . 4/3
JoeyDe chapter 39 . 3/31
Yay an update! Great chapter! Sara being bored is on point. I am really intrigued now...I wonder what Richard Martin's planing and whether Maria is involved...
I hope Oliver and Sara can uncomplicate their relationship status and just get back together already. I love those two as a couple.
Looking forward to the next chapter!
bjq chapter 38 . 3/19
JoeyDe chapter 38 . 3/19
Great two chapters! Oh boy I wonder what's going to happen now that Oliver's changed the past and how it will change the future...I love that fact that Sara's still with him and their dynamic. Van't wait for the next chapter! Great job!
kenriot1214 chapter 38 . 3/18
You posted repeats
bjq chapter 37 . 3/17
fabs keeps getting better
SandorthienLiza chapter 36 . 2/18
Ooh season 3 is starting ! Great chapter! Can’t wait for more!
bjq chapter 36 . 2/17
Guest chapter 36 . 2/15
There's still many other people that Oliver needs to save; making sure that Akio doesn't die this time will be the next item on the list.
The Jingo chapter 35 . 2/5
This is top tier.
bjq chapter 35 . 1/8
Czechm8 chapter 1 . 1/4
I haven’t read many fics on this fandom, but it was nice to read one where both Sara and Oliver are stranded at sea. One has to wonder how Robert and his bodyguard would have handled being the only ones to make it to the liferaft. Maybe you’ll get into that and we’ll see what the time travel stuff is about.
Greyce Smoak Mikaelson chapter 34 . 12/21/2019
Quado felicity vai entra em cena
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