Reviews for So Much For Promises
Smantsabella chapter 2 . 11/4/2016
unimportant-deactivatedaccount chapter 2 . 10/27/2005
I like what you've done with characterization and all that. Peter is definitely exhibiting some un-Gryffindor thoughts, and it works really well. Please post more! I feel bad for Remus, and I want to see how Sirius plans to patch it up.
YamiClara chapter 2 . 7/3/2004

keep going

keep going
Crimson Snidget chapter 2 . 8/29/2003
update! oh and make chapters longer too. need more!
sahvah chapter 2 . 6/19/2003
You are SO mean! I have waited ages for u to update and now that u finally have u leave it in the middle of nowhere, that really isnt nice...mrow!

Youl be 4given if u update soon and if u dont then ill bug u constantly with emails asking why u havent updated, that is a threat!

Anyway, so far so good
Mistal chapter 2 . 6/5/2003
hey it would be cool if you update!

it's good so far!

Gypsy Lupin-Black chapter 2 . 5/17/2003
WRITE MORE! This is bloody sad,

and they better work it out.

I must know what happens, so

don't you dare stop writing this, ok?

Thanks lots!

Blessed be,

Force101 chapter 2 . 5/11/2003
okay, short chapter. Please make the chapters longer? they're...not quite fufilling enough. i like it that peters sont so...submissive in this. im going to write a fic where he actually has a likable personality...he wont just be the "dumb, ugly one"

anyways, good chapters, even if they're short
Jasini chapter 2 . 4/21/2003
Omg... poor remus... *glares at Sirius* Who dares to hurt my favourite character? *growls* Oh, but I like reading fics where Remus is hurt, so... *grins sheepishly* You know? You MUST MUST MUST update, and VERY SOON, with LONG chapters! Make it LOONG and AANGST! Make sure you do! Love ya!

Lizzie24 chapter 2 . 4/20/2003
Oh, Please Update! I would love to see Remus do something to Sirius that he regrets. (nothing too bad, though. *hugs Sirius*) Remus is ALWAYS the innocent victim of Sirius... I'd like to see something new! Anyway, great story! I agree with you on how Peter should act, the stupid, ugly little rat.
moonygarou chapter 2 . 4/19/2003
Love it!

...but...but they come back together won't they?
lupine flower chapter 2 . 4/19/2003
o! i really like your story! i am a great fan of remus/sirius work, so that's a plus! i have to agree, it is sad, but sometimes sad stuff is good :) . please try to hurry up with the next chapter!
AgressiveWolf04 chapter 2 . 4/19/2003
Very compelling story. Almost sounded like the situation with you and your bf a while back. Keep up the good work.
De Devin chapter 1 . 3/30/2003
A new way of looking at characters we took for granted as "knowing"...we've all had our hearts broken, but too many times narrow minded people wouldn't stop to think that s/s couples could go through the same heartaches. Too much description sometimes bores me,yours flows...I like it.
Someone Reading chapter 1 . 3/29/2003
You know, if you're going to write slash then you should be MADE to say so in your summary, because some people do not want to read SLASH. Oh, and by the way...thank you so much for perverting a deep friendship, some people really appreciate it I'm sure, however I am not one of them. I am so sorry you have never had a friend that you loved without being IN love with them.
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