Reviews for A Villain's Happily Ever After (Vol 1)
MajorParidae chapter 26 . 5/16
This was very fun!
Even villains should get their happy ending some times and these 'what if' scenarios are very interesting :)
5/5, definite favorite
Tuna Overlord chapter 6 . 2/24
Good to know that our protagonist has his priorities straight. Never touch Bambi!
Matt chapter 18 . 2/19
Hate it. And by it I mean the whole story. I mean thanks to you billions of heroes and innocent people died.
Lord Mortensen chapter 26 . 1/22
excellent fic! although I read all the chapters of this fic, although I cannot help being a little disappointed, since I was waiting to read the story of Beauty and the Beast (hoping that Gaston would win), and waiting for the story of Rapunzel, Snow White and Atlantis to appear (where the bad guys will win)
D72 chapter 26 . 1/15
I liked this, I don't want the transformers fic, but you go do you.

It's like Percy Jackson, Why the fuck does anyone bother?

You made it fun, you kept the BS to a minimum, and I think the only time you really stumbled was with the smallpox blankets. That's a myth.

I think it says something to how callous this "boy" is to discard mantis like that, but you never really made a space for her in the story. Like Mantis could be bad... very easily. Like the only reason the guardians weren't paste was that she was simply naive. And then Drax made her petty and stupid!

Either way, I enjoyed what you did, never heard of lord dominator before this, and that damn song is quite well stuck in my head. Damnit.

So Thank you for the fic.
D72 chapter 16 . 1/12
That movie embodied magic in a way Harry Potter never could.

But the idea of recruiting Peter Banning as an investment advisor, that's magic in and of itself.

Apparently Hook hit a way too narrow mark, most people my age loved it, but everyone else called it trash.

I suppose it was a bit long, but it was a magical movie to see in the theater.

You didn't have Tootles institutionalized, which I feel, is lacking in evil. He's lost his marbles after all, and needs thorazine!
PoisonCupcake101 chapter 26 . 1/9
Shame, but I did love this story, good luck with your other story
badkidoh chapter 25 . 1/8
another good story.
SGArkosfan chapter 25 . 1/8
That was awesome, glad you ended with the villain that has quite possibly THE largest body count ever both during and before The Snap. We don't know how many planets he's 'visited' during his campaign, but we do know that Gamora's people was half wiped through conventional means; no exact numbers but the people did suffer from overpopulation so it could be in the low billons. And that's just from ONE world. Who knows how many planets he invaded?
Allhailthesith chapter 25 . 1/8
BEAST WARS! Hell yeah
edboy4926 chapter 25 . 1/8
Awesome chapter.
Any chance of doing one for the newest DOOM, where your SI tells Hayden what NOT TO DO when dealing with Hell?
PoisonCupcake101 chapter 25 . 1/8
Loved this chapter! I can't wait for the next one!
Nighlocktheawesome00 chapter 24 . 1/5
Oh, I recommend doing McLeach.
AMurder0fCrows chapter 4 . 12/31/2019
your writings so solid. I can imagine the scenes all fleshed out effortlessly. I'm proud of you.
AMurder0fCrows chapter 3 . 12/31/2019
this is what I've been looking for! and you wrote the story spectacularly. nice. good job
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