Reviews for From the Wreckage
Ragan Reagan Boxer chapter 1 . 7/22
Definetly one of you're first truly amazing flaggfics, I'm more of a fan of bloody murder and mindless sex but the story you convey here is something really only you have done this fuckin' good. The despair and apathy you generate but build on just feels so real; and as you build up these characters again after you've torn them down, seeing them pick up the pieces of themselves. it's just really beautiful and heartwrenching to read. Back when I first started reading your flaggfics, I wasn't a fan of this one cause my peepee brain wanted more blood and vaginas; but reading now I just can't stop reading until I finish this path to self fulfillment just like the survivors of this accident.
Guest chapter 20 . 2/7
Love this story can you another version of this but like Lincoln is in high school and him and Luna are still a thing?
Laharls Vassal chapter 20 . 1/25
words cannot describe how amazing this story was...
Laharls Vassal chapter 8 . 1/16
Lana's plight is ruining me...
AuntLaika chapter 20 . 1/14
I fucking loved it
Guest chapter 12 . 12/29/2019
Poor Leni. Her beloved sister has transformed into a demonic specter, possibly due to the guilt of surviving.
Me chapter 14 . 3/31/2019
New guest chapter 20 . 2/13/2019
I was shocked at the Lincoln and Luna pairing at first, but then I thought this was kind of cute. Hope there's a sequel.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/11/2019
It's a good read thank you for taking the time to write it.
Kion the fierce chapter 1 . 11/26/2018
NO, it was looking so damn promising until the fuming loudcest appeared. God damn it
Gamemod chapter 9 . 11/17/2018
Wait a minute...Luan finally woke up...a miracle!
Guest chapter 2 . 10/19/2018
too fucking dark, man. most people read to escape the bleakness of reality not double down on misery
763Boi chapter 1 . 6/27/2018
Goddammit I hate when I cry
Ragan Reagan Boxer chapter 20 . 5/28/2018
This isn't my favorite story persay, but it probably is your most well written and mature story you have ever written. Probably one of the best fucking stories in this fandom. You took these characters seriously and they weren't just your puppets to play around with. They each had dreams, obstacles, and motivations and seeing all of these characters overcome their hurdles put a bit smile of my face. You really had me rooting for these characters for once instead of wanting to see mindless violence. I'm amazed Flagg. I really loved it.
James B Cameron chapter 20 . 4/28/2018
where to start this is the most realistic loud house stories I have ever read I keep coming back to its tragic story lines up with the reality of losing love ones in that kind of a accident it reminds me of a horrible accident that happened to a close friends family. when you live with others there is a balance that is seriously disrupted these people were part of your daily life's and in a blink of an eye they are gone your mind has a difficult time dealing with it. everything made sense in the story even the incest my friend is far different today then before the accident it changes your personality you did a really good job on this story
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