Reviews for Re: Godhood
KingAllen chapter 1 . 10/31/2019
You should make him have chakra like Rou still have his esp abilities.
Have a Little Feith chapter 2 . 5/22/2019
Pretty sure that the plural of person is "people", not "persons". Unless you meant "Even a fragile person".

Other than that, this was a pretty decent story so far.
Klexxsny chapter 1 . 12/7/2018
I highly doubt naruto would remember a lot of magic at all if he could he barely knew any ninjutsu's even when he was older he only had a few and that was his specialty he made use of what little justsu he had and mastered them to a degree that people couldn't even achieve so can you give me a reason why you chose him to be an elf the only thing that he has in common whith that race is the reserves they have and that's it the only race I see that he is more close to is the dragons because of there strength and there reserves that's more close to him then you're fucking choice
Guest chapter 2 . 10/26/2018
He could have been a fucking dragon and he didn’t become it because he wanted to earn his strength fuck you and your story see now this is why I hate hero Naruto fics instead of dark or evil Naruto at least they know how the world works the strong live and the weak die at least they would be smart enough to know that they could be strong from the start and make it easier for them to get to god hood your story sucks he could have been any other creature and he would become the fucking opiest fucker alive but no he chose to become a fucking elf there physically weak and arrogant and are generally horrible starter characters so fuck you and your stupid ass story
kerry.wallace40 chapter 2 . 6/18/2018
Ok so why is naruto as stupid as he is if his INT and WIS is what it is and that he can use the clone to help with finding and killing the creatures getting the items and what ever his gluttony gives him no to mention the items he gets for the quest.
cain221 chapter 2 . 6/17/2018
love the story hope you don't let it die.
SavageGod chapter 2 . 2/3/2018
SirMaou chapter 1 . 2/3/2018
please update this! it's fucking good!
JoeMcLuvin chapter 2 . 12/10/2017
Please update, I would like to find out what happens. If you don't plan to update, then let us know if its abandoned. Thank you!
Poe489 chapter 2 . 12/8/2017
Dracowoman chapter 2 . 11/21/2017
great job, update soon please.

Joseph Orellana chapter 2 . 9/18/2017
woulda been amusing if he chose succubus without knowing it changes gender instead of an elf but oh well, whats done is done.
pax-draconix chapter 2 . 8/19/2017
You know, since the clones are useless in helping him to level up his skills, (hopefully that will change as that skill levels up), he can just use them to do some of the quests.
avid reader chapter 2 . 7/27/2017
Not bad so far! can't wait for the next chapter ;) please keep being awesome!
reptoholic chapter 2 . 7/23/2017
Story looks very interesting. I do hope that he gets stronger and trains for his abilities. It would be interesting for him to learn darker arts and still be in full control of himself, I hate just pure light characters. Keep up the great work, looking forward to new chapters.


Dungeons, I don't know if they will be in this story or if monsters will have drops, but it could bring something to the plot.

Evolution: Can he evolve when he consumes and stronger species? like if he eats a dragon can he get wings, or eyes of a unique monster? If he can keep getting stronger with his abilities and gain characteristics as well as abilities that would help out.

Strength of the world. If you are going to make him work for it, it would be nice to see what some of the Ratings are for other standings. Like S class being 500 or something like that. If we see a comparison to see how strong some of the powerhouses and monsters are of this world it would give us all a better understanding. Also what are the stats of the creatures he eats. OBSERVE would definitely help out.

Plans for the future. I know he is just getting in here, but it would be nice if he has a regular goals and major ones. Give him a desire and reason to become a God.

Skills. Would be cool to see him have a skill other than just fighting. Like being able to make things that are advances with his craftsmen or something unique. If he has another skill it will allow him to create things that will help in in the future.

Ability: Beast taming is a unique ability most don't use. Would be interesting to see him tame some beasts in the future and have a knack for it. This way he has extra help and he can make friends with different creatures that some would call monstrous.

Map. IF you later could give a estimate of the world you are creating or borrowing from so that we can see how large this plain is. Would advise that it is MUCH larger and more GRAND than the elemental nations, this way he will have to spend a LONG time to see everything and you will have more room to create.

Great job so far, looking forward to the update.
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