Reviews for To Catch a Raven
key46812 chapter 17 . 4/26/2019
Everytime you talk about Noct I can't stop thinking and pantless. Lol!
key46812 chapter 15 . 4/26/2019
someone please kill this fer.
Guest chapter 20 . 9/10/2018
.so.f* ! Man, i would have liked to kill those bastards when they touched poor Prompto! Served them right! And how cute the boys are. You really wrote a great story. Thanks gor sharing!
larry chapter 20 . 12/11/2017
this was soooooo good. I'd love to see what happens though now after all that, how do the move past this and all the jazz
markofthemoros chapter 20 . 12/4/2017
Oh wow. I admit, I was expecting something along the lines as the closure for Prompto and Noctis. Nevertheless, it was cute and beautifully executed, all in all such a nice feeling it leaves the reader with, and this coming from someone who isn't really into Promtis ship, anyway.

But dude, hats off for what you did to Adam! Like, wow! Remind me not to get on Iggy's bad side, he knows some people, lol. It was... brutal!

This had been just a great ride, a thrill to see through to its end, and I can only look up to you and hope to one day reach that level in my own writing. Cheers!
AyaKagami chapter 20 . 12/3/2017
is it over? there are so many questions I have now
MysteriousBean chapter 18 . 10/17/2017
Oh thank goodness, I can move on with my life now! This story was seriously stressing me out. I know there are going to be some fences to mend and broken little boys to heal and all, and can't wait to read all that love, but man, phew! A load is off my stressed out heart!
AyaKagami chapter 18 . 10/16/2017
omg papa Cor mode is activated! mama Iggs is just devastated and Noct is clearly still on a rampage of emotions. my heart is breaking for them
AyaKagami chapter 17 . 10/2/2017
omg... Noct has RAGE! I love it. thank the six prom is finally safe
markofthemoros chapter 17 . 10/2/2017
Ah, it's beautiful! Your Ignis squeezed my heart along with Prompto, I swear. Thank you so much for writing this, this has been such a thrill to see through, and I am expecting some dire talks to ensue once they're friggin' outta there.
I don't think I've ever read a fanfic that's left me with such a desire to see the bad guy just... suffer. However, I'm glad you dragged on the tension and not the butchery. It was a great scene and sssssooo intense!
MysteriousBean chapter 17 . 10/1/2017
I was just rereading this story (to torture myself further) and saw the new chapter up! Well now I feel infinitely better! Yay Iris! She is such a lovely burrito of bad-assery. And thank goodness they got Prompto out of there, I really think we all couldn't take anymore. I can't wait for reunion time between Noctis and Prompto! (Ok, too many exclamation points I'll blame it on the Nyquill I just chugged for this stupid head cold)
AyaKagami chapter 1 . 9/30/2017
geez... is it finally over
AyaKagami chapter 15 . 9/12/2017
Oh that ending... how could you do that to Noct! I'm running away to cry in a corner...
markofthemoros chapter 15 . 9/11/2017
Ok, I did not see that one coming. I did not see it coming. Jesusk! I, uh, eh, I can't word how heart-wrenching that twist was, so wrong in so many ways. God, my pulse must have sky-rocketed. Amazing. You are amazing. And oh boy, I cannot wait for the downrigjt bloodbath! Damn, Noct is gonna bring them hell and worse!
RedWizardFox6 chapter 15 . 9/10/2017
LOL what the fuck!? Hahahaha this is interesting I have no other words for it... Haha
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