Reviews for Barfly
roger9481 chapter 1 . 1/6/2019
Totally go for a second chapter
Some fan chapter 1 . 12/22/2017
If she joined them, they would just be JNNR (Junior). Anyways great story
Villain84 chapter 1 . 10/13/2017
I really liked this. I've started to ship these two after seeing some fan art and reading a couple other fanfics here. I think both of them were kept in character very well. Everything about this story was very believable. I can actually imagine it happening in the show, aside from Jaune drinking. I like how Neo still never spoke and communicated via texting on her scroll. I think you did a good job telling the story from Jaune's perspective, really captured his feelings. It was cute how they were drinking together. It's also heartwarming how they both miss their friends and are bonding over that and finding comfort in each other. I also like the slight nods to White Rose, Bumblebee, and of course Renora. So yeah. Overall really liked this story. Looking forward to seeing Neo in V5. Thank you for writing this.
Australian Dealer chapter 1 . 7/28/2017
Neo WOULD make a good idea to join them as she might, as you suggested here, try to take revenge on Cinder, and what better way could she do so!
JustAFool chapter 1 . 7/9/2017
Nice story and nope you are definitely not the only one hoping Neo or Penny end up on team JNPR.

People will probably riot if they sacrifice the rest of JNPR like they did Pyrrha. I'm also not too sure I want to see team RWBY all gain Maiden powers like I've seen some people mention.

Anbu-Nightfury chapter 1 . 7/7/2017
This is good. I would not object to more of this one. I like the feel of it.
Mindless Violence Fan chapter 1 . 7/5/2017
Great story. I can live with it being a one-shot but I would also love for you to expand on it.

Either way, good job.
Benthino chapter 1 . 7/4/2017
Lefou, you did me grat hobor writing this little ficlet. Comemorating the fall of two beloved characters, showing the combined angst fo two more, and granting us another show of your most impressive abilities as a writer. While this may not become a story... Anither chaoter or two would be perfect. Keep it up!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/4/2017
So, I'm scrolling down the pages of the site, wondering what to read after I've read all the fics scheduled for today. I have a thought, I wonder if Lefou has updated, it's been over a month since his last update (m8 didn't you say at one point you'd do weekly updates, how'd that go?) Nah, I thought, he won't update, the chances of that are slim, when I hit second page and waddayaknow, he has graced us with another masterpiece, well done btw good fic 10/10. (P.S UPDATE IMMORTAL AAAAAAAAAARGH)
DaleJr.88 chapter 1 . 7/4/2017
What adventures lie ahead for Jaune?
Viper5delta chapter 1 . 7/4/2017
...God damn you, we really need a full-length fic of this, and then you just give us a little taste.
GreyscaleWriter chapter 1 . 7/4/2017
Neobekons jaune seductively*
Jaune: Hmm. Wallow in self pity, or get laid? *steamboat Willie theme plays*
TheNiemand chapter 1 . 7/3/2017
SleepinEye made Neo join Jaune/Ren/Nora in Festivals of Dragons - Godl edition.

But A nice one shot, I had a similiar idea as how Neo would join Jaune and the gang, but I wait for season 5 to write it, just to have more information.

But I like it, to the Fav.
Cormag Ravenstaff chapter 1 . 7/3/2017
I sure hope Neo shows up in V5. I thought she'd pay Yang a visit in V4, but that didn't happen and I am sad

Nice little oneshot, glad to see you popping back up in my inbox. There were a few little hiccups with verb tense here and there, but otherwise nice writing
MrBaux chapter 1 . 7/3/2017
Hahaha holy shit thats legit. Could totally see this happening if rwby got a little more adult orientated, like the series seems to creep into each season. Wouldn't mind seeing were you can make this story go. Keep it up!
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