Reviews for The Lost City
sarge1130 chapter 22 . 4/24
Damn, Doflamingo is on the move and he is now closer to Law's territory. It's quite bad for Smoker to see the base fall into ruins after trying to protect it for so long. But just as he says, it was a lost cause already since few of the citizens had lost their trust towards the marines.
Even though this chapter is intense, with the few parts wherein it almost leaves me breathless particularly on the scenes wherein they were almost caught by Doflamingo and his men, I love how the little SmoAce interactions manage to ease out the tension at the end.
Thanks for the update :D.
yukino76 chapter 22 . 3/28
Good update thanks
sarge1130 chapter 21 . 3/22
I love how Law gave Sanji the freedom to decide on his own even though he is not quite comfortable with it. I felt bad for Law since, among the three, Law carries the heavy weight on his shoulders and he is willing to accept anything to keep the other two safe.
I like Whitebeard here, he seems a little reckless but I think when the need arises, he can be very intimidating. I think it was nice that Sanji had been able to interact with someone outside of his family. He maybe an adult but his outlook in the outside world is the same as that of the child's.
Thanks for the update :D.
Battlesny chapter 21 . 1/30
needs more spaces between the lines.
still much better than a lot of text walls that don't even end their paragraphs until the entire page is full of words.
sarge1130 chapter 20 . 10/20/2019
I love this chapter :). The small history regarding the marines and anything related to Vegapunk were nicely plotted. So creepy that it was Doflamingo who is responsible behind it and that Vegapunk had been able to survive those hellish years. But it was so sad that Vegapunk's spirit was torn and broken.
I love it how Ace makes Smoker awkward with his public display of affection. Ace is such an aggressive young man (lol). Can Smoker be able to cope up with him (lol)? There are so many bad guys here and a few good ones and as they say, good ones are the ones who died first :(.
Thanks for the update :D. So excited to see how this story progresses :).
sarge1130 chapter 19 . 6/1/2019
I love the backstory about Smoker and Aokiji. Their characterizations are nice as well. I love how carefree Aokiji is but still very reliable in an impossible mission. I love the contrast between Garp and Sengoku and I notice that their personalities are switched. Garp possess OP Sengoku’s personality and vice versa but I have to say that I like it :).
I love how sassy Ace is and how he makes Smoker blush with his straight-forward personality. They are such a cute couple.
Vegapunk was not revealed in OP except by his few shadow appearances but I like how you characterize him. He is a genius but not street-smart.
Love how the plot of this story goes. Thanks for the update :D.
sarge1130 chapter 18 . 1/15/2019
I love reading Sabo's evaluation about Law. It was like he had understood the man little by little through every interaction they have. However, Law doesn't like being observed like that since it may mean that Sabo is looking for his weakness. I like it how you pointed out that Law and Doflamingo are quite similar. This was also described in OP manga and I think you had tried to deliver it well. It was quite nice too that Law had made some connection with Sabo aside from his immediate family.
I was quite intrigued by Law's reaction about Cobra and Vivi and vice versa. It was like they had a sort of connection long ago before the city collapses. Is it possible that Law's parents had once doctors for the royal family or maybe their skills are well known throughout the city hence the royal family recognizes them also?
I love how you introduce the new players in this story. As always, the suspense build-up is quite nice which makes this story more interesting. It makes me wonder more what will happen in the next chapters. Thank you for update :D.
sarge1130 chapter 17 . 10/10/2018
I love this chapter :)! I love reading Sanji's interaction with everyone during his attempts to finding his own fighting skills. It's quite amusing to know that Law is a terrible shooter although I would love to see him use a gun in a fight since in OP he was trained by Gladius.
It's quite nice how you manage to include the battle instead of taking it to another chapter. I love the fight scenes though especially on the part wherein you had managed to make Doflamingo manifests through Law's fighting style. Quite nice how Sanji got his revenge against his family and for him to give the punishment to his father just shows that even a meek person can become savage when aggravated.
I am intrigued by Cora-san's actions towards Law. Is it possible that Cora-san had a sort of relationship with his brother such as incest or rather he was forced by Doflamingo on this? I also realized then that Doflamingo is like Law who also uses his hands while activating his devil fruit hence Cora-san knows how to incapacitate Law when he attacked him.
I can see that you are into a rare pairing just like SmoAce. It looks like you are into Marco and Sanji. Well, their interactions here are cute and sweet and I can see how Marco quite understands Sanji's situation. Also, instead of LawLu, you are shifting towards Law and Sabo. Somehow, they are quite similar. They fight their own battles alone but somehow very protective towards their loved ones.
Thanks so much for this awesome update :D.
WulfyFang3 chapter 17 . 10/8/2018
thanks for the updateI'm glad Sanji got his much-deserved vengeance. I love how much these relationships are developing; at first I thought you were going to pair Law with Luffy, but now it seems like he'll end up with Sabo. I can still see it going either way.
yukino76 chapter 17 . 9/23/2018
Good update thanks
DarkIdeaOcean chapter 16 . 8/6/2018
I love this fanfic . Thank you for this new chapter :) . I could not write before because I have had a family problem. Sorry . Thank you very much for this new chapter. you write very well. all the characters in this fanfic have a very good plot. I love Sanji, Law, Cora-san, Luffy, Ace, Sabo. I love sanji, Law , Bepo and Cora-san . I love this fanfic .I love that all of them help. Sorry for my English.
sarge1130 chapter 16 . 8/3/2018
Wow? This chapter is so long but I definitely lived it :). There are some spelling errors and misused words but the plot is still excellent. I never got bores while reading this. I love all the dash of humor you inserted in some tense situation such as Law's sarcastic remarks and the classic - Cora-san's clumsiness. I enjoyed the scene wherein Cora-san had tumbled down the stairs with Law. It was quite funny imagining that scene because it involves Law, lol.
I enjoyed all the characters' interaction. I love it that it was Marco who had found Sanji. Marco seems one of the few who had understood Sanji with a few knowledge about the other's past. I absolutely adore Law and Sabo's interaction. Although Sabo observed Law with the sole intention of information gathering, his reaction afterwards is so amusing. It was quite terrifying to witness the 'beast' within Law.
I think this is the best chapter you had ever written, so, good job :). Thanks so much for the update :D.
WulfyFang3 chapter 16 . 7/26/2018
aaaah that scene between Marco and Sanji was my favorite! but I also loved Sabo's reaction to watching Law work XD
Guest chapter 16 . 7/22/2018
I hope to see more zoro Nd nami moments
Guest chapter 1 . 6/18/2018
what's the obsession with mafia.
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