Reviews for No Goodbye
PrinRue chapter 6 . 1/17/2019
Beautiful! Ahhhhh! It's so beautiful!
... okay I'll calm down
This was such a good story! Normally, I'm not a big fan of the "abuse" trope, but you captured it perfectly! I really felt the twins emotions throughout the whole thing. It was palpable.
(But it was kinda disconcerting to read only for the fact that my own father's name is Frank lol)
TDKA9851 chapter 6 . 11/5/2018
Well, this story got it all.
1. The angst get it. I can feel that twins got scared at some moment
2. The sadness. I can feel like I'm the CPS and tried to understand what the twin experience and feel pity to them
3. The happiness. When soos picked twin I can feel the sun came to them
Situation71 chapter 1 . 10/2/2017
Omg I need the epilogue! This was so well written that it deserves another chapter or 2
DipperNMabel chapter 6 . 8/10/2017
Chepilogue...nice nickname.

I like how you incorporated the twins and Soos, visiting Piedmont for the errands they had to go to. Frank's trial, house visit, cemetery goodbye, dang. It gets the feelings all revved up. Dipper's promise to his mom is something I would expect him to do. He protected Mabel all summer long. He protected her against Frank in the basement. Now he'll protect her through life and anything that get's in their way. I wish that for the actual show plot line, Dipper was 5 minutes older than Mabel. Mabel may be the "Alpha Twin", yet shows to be more weak in situations like this. But, who could blame her? A traumatic experience both twins went through always shows weakness in the girl first. But that's not a bad thing, as long as they don't suffer the slings and arrows alone. She had Dipper. That's all she needed to survive.

Great job. Looking forward to the sequel. :)
DipperNMabel chapter 5 . 8/10/2017
I had a feeling since Stan and Ford were still on their expedition, the next person to step in as the temporary guardian would be Soos. Ah, now that brings back memories to "Not What He Seems"

"I'm sorry Mr. Pines. If that is your real name. But I have a new mission now; protecting these kids!" ~Soos, 2015

I'm glad Dipper and Mabel are finally going back to Gravity Falls. That's where they truly belong. I think both an epilogue and a sequel would be best suited for a story such as this. This was very well written and interesting. Great job.
GwendolynCipher chapter 6 . 8/10/2017
I like the nickname for this section. Chepilogue. I gotta remember that.

I like how you incorporated flashbacks from the first chapter of this story; how Dipper was scared to go downstairs into the basement to retrieve the chest. And the promise Dipper made to his mom?! Dang. I'm excited to read the sequel. Keep up the good work. Loved this story!
GwendolynCipher chapter 5 . 8/10/2017
Yeah, you definitely got me. I really liked the ending! Dipper and Mabel are going back to Gravity Falls! OMG! I think you should do both an epilogue and a sequel. That would be cool! Update soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/6/2017
So...when's the sequel coming out?
AllenbysEyes chapter 6 . 8/6/2017
Thanks for writing this. You managed to pull off being emotional without becoming mawkish or sentimental, which is a great skill. My only critique is that Dipper's language seemed a bit out of character, but given the circumstances of the story it's understandable. Hope to see more from you.
Perseus46 chapter 6 . 8/5/2017
Are you planning the sequel on the same file or writing a new one? Continue in this one so it is easier to follow
Guest chapter 6 . 8/5/2017
I'm glad to hear that Frank will get what he deserves. I would love to see another chapter! Nice nickname by the way, lol. Can't wait for more!
Sixer618 chapter 6 . 8/5/2017
We all want a sequel. Regardless.
Django chapter 6 . 8/5/2017
The end was pretty touching and hopeful. Great job. What could be excellent in your sequel, if there is one prepared, is Mabel POV about Dipper's promise of protecting her because even if that trait of him is very cute and brave, I would be happy with Mabel also taking care of his twin and promising herself to help him to recover from their mother loss and the traumatic experiences they endured. Hope the sequel has more positive points for both twins.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/4/2017
But... why? Why did Frank abuse them? How long? What was the weapon used? And on another note, I think you should go for a sequel! Maybe one about Dipper and Mabel's kids.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/4/2017
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