Reviews for Naruto Otsutsuki DXD conqueror
Guest chapter 9 . 7/11
Well my guy.. You are doing a good job ...i like your writing and no matter what the haters say. You are an awesome author stay safe my dude
stylo1 chapter 3 . 6/29
you are so damn blunt, he walked in the room and bamn! women begged to be his slaves.
honestly your writing is just as bad
stylo1 chapter 1 . 6/29
this level of mind control takes all the full out of it
Dasgun chapter 9 . 5/14
Primarx chapter 9 . 3/15
poor yami, hope she will rewarded for her services)
midnightscar17 chapter 1 . 3/14
Whyd you post here. Theres no plot just sex. I love sex and all but man is this boring
Srsdbz1 chapter 1 . 3/11
So naruto is the villain here.
Forbidden-000 chapter 9 . 2/12
Good chapter bro
Dark.Lord0 chapter 9 . 1/30
Give Yami some attention, please!
Guest chapter 9 . 1/20
Before you start on more 'original' things ('cause the greeks were never introduced in DxD beyond mentions of a few of the Gods, so I assume they will be all OCs), I would recommend rounding out the named girls of the series, Jeanne and Le Fay from the Hero Faction are still missing, also a few like Katarea Leviathan (Also, if Naruto is into resurrecting MILFS and adding them to his Harem like this chapter showed, he should do that with Akeno's mother Shuri, who is basically a MILF-ier Akeno). And if you go into full novel mode, there is also Ingvild Leviathan and the girls from the Slash Dog spin-off (Among which is Akeno's cousin Suzaku).
hinatanamikazesama chapter 9 . 1/21
Cool cooll
Arraia chapter 9 . 1/21
Perfect and update soon please
naruto chapter 9 . 1/18
great chapter keep it up
ENDDRAGON369 chapter 9 . 1/19
darth56 chapter 9 . 1/18
thanks for the new chapter
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