Reviews for Of Feathers And Fangs
Guest chapter 4 . 6/20
Excellent fic. At first I thought "this dark Naruto is totally OOC" but then I realized it's a physical manifestation of the emotional abuse that Naruto canonically inflicted on Sasuke, making him submit to an oppressive regime with no justice. That flash of insight into canon is something that only the best fics give. But dang, that scene where Naruto beats up Sasuke the exact same way Itachi did made me realize how messed up the canon scene is (I'm not sure if that was the intent). It feels like Naruto's saying "I'm hitting you because I love you, just like he hit you because he loved you." And it's like, wow, the second part is canon, so is the first part that OOC? Really made me think... Anyway, excellent fic.
Dark chapter 4 . 4/30/2019
Chapter 5 isn’t loading for me for some reason. I want it so bad.
EnlightenedSoulexes chapter 5 . 1/14/2019
I just finished the fic and wow, I really need more of this. I too thinks of Naruto as the one possessive and desperate with Sasuke. I'm glad that you made thisfeeds my need to make Kishimoto change the damn ending.
Orchestra Of Order chapter 1 . 10/31/2018
Kaikai chapter 4 . 7/25/2018

I'm binge reading all of your works at the moment and hooo boy, am I glad I found your works. I need to emphasize that I LOVE your point of view and how you portray characters and stories; it's probably the closest thing to canon I've ever read. You really don't realize how dark and ominous the series is until you really read this and your other fanfics and your analyses.

Anyway, I love how you incorporated the idea that Sasuke's world revolves around Itachi. If you think about it, it really does. It's made obvious that he can't care less about anyone else in the manga but fans twist his personality so much that we forget he's not the dark one here, nor is he the pure asshole everyone makes him to be. He's literally just being manipulated by a bunch of characters and everything is pinned on him because "it's logical", even though it's not. I see Sasuke as a misguided character and I think fans misinterpret it as cold, dark and possessive.

In terms of Naruto's possessiveness, I think this is the most accurate. I'm not sure what everyone's seeing, but I'm clearly seeing Naruto's possessiveness over Sasuke a lot. Scenes like Orochimaru taking Sasuke and Naruto saying things like "Don't call Sasuke yours in my presence" is like a blatant demonstration of his desire to monopolize him. That's why, I think this fic captured the essence of that perfectly; something that most fanfics don't even consider because "it's out of character".

Ahhh, and don't get started on the monologues. They're so perfectly integrated into the story and I just- they're perfect! The monologues give so much insight into the character's head and you just experience the reasons behind the character's actions and then everything makes sense. I especially love Sasuke's monologues/thoughts because they're utter conflicts about guilt, love and pure chaos. And don't get me started on Naruto! Ohhh man, this boy needs to get himself together. He's like a mix of wanting to love, to monopolize and to protect all in one. I feel that Sasuke's world already revolves around him but Naruto just fails to see it because "Itachi is a wall between them". Sasuke idolizes Itachi but I don't think Naruto's method of "getting rid" of Itachi from Sasuke's mind was the only way to do it. FFFF- this is too good!

HECK, I just love everything about your creations and I hope you never stop creating! Honestly, I'm just gonna say thank you for taking your time to write this because I absolutely love it and I will never stop loving it.

(Just a question, is chapter 4 a duplicate of chapter 2? I was reading half way and I thought, "hey wait, I've read this before.")
Guest chapter 4 . 4/16/2018
Just update the next chapter already!
I've been waiting for it so long
Plssssssssssss TT
Guest chapter 4 . 2/21/2018
I loved it
Guest chapter 4 . 12/13/2017
When will naruto understand that he is killing sasuke?I want him to regret update soon
Renamon15 chapter 4 . 11/26/2017
I really like the beginning where you describe how Naruto is exposing Sasuke, description of his lean built and pale skin, comparing it to the moon that can't be touched by the sun.
Part where Naruto repeated things that Itachi did, although it's very sad, it's also very interesting and very well written! It perfectly tells how much Naruto deformed Sasuke's personality, and again, convinced him that Sasuke belongs to him because he saved him; Sasuke, instead of snapping and defending Itachi, he just let Naruto hurt him and talk ill about Itachi.
It's very cool that you wrote ending from Shikamaru's pov, using astronomical references, I can imagine him thinking like that.
Renamon15 chapter 3 . 11/24/2017
Naruto is not amused by the fact that everything in Sasuke's life revolved around Itachi. I love how you point out that Itachi is the most important person to Sasuke, not even Naruto, who convinced many people into his beliefs, who convinced Sasuke that he saved him, can't make himself more important than Itachi.
That part with clones is an interesting idea and it's well written, I love that you mentioned what Sasuke said about that jutsu in canon.
Guest chapter 4 . 11/21/2017
I like submissive Sasu! I read the notes, and found myself agree to most of it. And you beautifully put it into a story..
desti.ariestya chapter 4 . 11/22/2017
Oh my God...
I dont know what to say but this is heart breaking. Sasuke is very miserable and nobody cares about him. I hope there will be someone who will help him out from naruto's possesiveness.

Yay...sequel... (waiting patiently)

PS: hope you understand, my english bad.
PS2: I love your tumblr, your pov of sasuke, itachi n the whole story of naruto especially the ending.

thank you
nekomoo and panda-chan chapter 4 . 11/21/2017
this was so beautiful in its own twisted way. I'm really excited to see what the sequal will have in store for us and i really hope someone helps sasuke. he's been through so much in his life.
Killer-Sangwoo chapter 4 . 11/21/2017
It's the end? Aww, oh well. it was definitely interesting seeing how dark Naruto truly is and exactly what people thought of their relationship. Thank you for sharing your story.
JeffC FTW chapter 3 . 10/4/2017
My God this just keeps getting better and better. I'm used to SasuNaru for reasons, but this pushes the boundaries.
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