Reviews for Smash!
Mar-Mik chapter 4 . 12/30/2003
Great fic!
Write more soon! _
kikyo chapter 3 . 8/11/2003
I like the story line so far. You are a very good writer. I feel like I'm pulled into the story. I wish anyway.
arbitrary chapter 5 . 7/24/2003
I've been enjoying this fic in silence for some time now, but I figured I'd better review and give my support... it's the responsible thing to do, after all. anyway,I really hope you're going to continue this, and don't let people nitpick about your accuracy, either... I certainly don't expect you to spend hours and days researching a story you can never hope to be paid for, some people have lives. I think you have a good general knowledge, and what's really important is the story, and the details that have to do with the characters... everything else is just background.

anyway, great story, please say this isn't the end.
CelestialGoddess chapter 1 . 7/6/2003
Ok, I am a total WWII Junkie (some would call me a nerd, ha!), have been for years (and I am only 22) but don't listen to people who rag (nit pick) on you for historical accuracy. I don't think anyone here reads fanfiction like this for "historical accuracy" we just like the fiction.

In other words Great story! Keep up the good work, can't wait to see the next chapter. ;)
dfshie chapter 1 . 6/1/2003 need to have the basics of American History taught to you...

First of all, there was already the first global war, second in 1938, the Nazi Party had already beaten up half of eruope.


How old are you?
Threnody chapter 5 . 5/30/2003
Huh. Well, that's an interesting idea. I like the worldset you've put them in, you're obviously well educated and its nice to read a fic by someone who has an excellent mastery of the english language. You do a wonderful job with description. Perhaps a bit too wonderful though. Despite the length of the chapters, the plot seems to be moving rather slowly. We're at chapter four and have only seen tiny hints of what the main plot line might be. I really do like the way you portray the character though, and you've done a very nice job of establishing the worldset. I look forward to your future works.
Cayenne Pepper Powder chapter 5 . 5/30/2003
Oy! I love this story, I don't know how I could have missed it! keep writing, I'm hooked!
Clinesterton Beademung chapter 5 . 5/30/2003
I have to admit, I never thought I'd find myself reading an AU fic, but given the number of reviews you've received and from whom you've received them, your work comes highly recommended, and with good reason.

I don't know that I can add or detract from what has been said so far by others, so I will let their judgments stand, with one exception: your dialogue is difficult to read, and here's why.

Your dialogue paragraphs are so interspersed with stage direction (descriptions of the characters' movements) that they resemble your exposition/description paragraphs, and are thus difficult to distinguish. This also breaks up any rhythm your dialogue ought to have and slows its pace; it shouldn't take the characters nearly as much time to respond to one another as you have given them. Your readers can infer much of the motion and behavior you describe. It's best to let them.

I've avoided AU fics in the past. I won't be avoiding this one anymore. Nice work.
Numena chapter 5 . 5/29/2003
I really like this AU that you've created! And you've managed to keep all the characters IN character even though they're in a different time and a different situation!

Another wonderful chapter! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Quincy007 chapter 5 . 5/29/2003
What? Nicholas not what he seems? And here I always thought that such a man was a big happy ray of sunshine happy in his complete and utter innocence...enough sarcasm for one day. I can see nothing wrong with the chapter, and I'm sure that you are laying a foundation for a rather interesting plot too. Good work, keep it up.
EmpressGalaxia chapter 5 . 5/28/2003
This story just keeps getting better and better. And Meryl still playing the ever-professional businesswoman - I love it! Keep up the good work, can't wait for the next chapter.

Goddess Gin chapter 5 . 5/28/2003
Great story! I'm loving it so far! Keep up the great work! Bye-ya! _~
Merlose chapter 5 . 5/28/2003
I kind of shied away from this story for a while because it's an AU, but today I decided to take a chance on it I'm really glad I did. The concept behind the story is so unique and I really love your writing style.

It seems like all of the characters are staying true to their original forms from Trigun even though they have been placed in a different time period/setting.

Please continue and update soon!

Well, at least sooner than your last update ;)
sailorjr5 chapter 4 . 4/19/2003
Love it love it love it! please continue this fic I loved the writing style and descriptions. The setting is good too. Please continue
Winter Daze chapter 4 . 4/18/2003
Such an original fic! You're really talented :D You have a lovely writing style, not to mention you chose my favorite time period! Please write more soon! :) I love V/M -
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