Reviews for There's Only So Much Time
Guest chapter 2 . 3/15/2019
Honestly, Jirou wouldn't have to lie as often if she simply reminded people to mind their business. Especially Denki.
Rook-385 chapter 2 . 3/11/2019
This is so awesome! I hope you continue with this!
Akane Minori chapter 2 . 1/16/2019
Well that's a hell of an update.

It's nice to read more from this. The longer chapters with your writing style really really works, I feel. Nothing feels padded for length, it just genuinely flows that well.

I'm excited for future chapters, no matter how long or how long they take~
KiarikaK chapter 2 . 1/15/2019
I literally screamed when I saw the notification.
This series of fics you're doing of Jirou are literally my favorite fanfics of BNHA. The ones with Tokoyamo are amazing as well. Your writing is amazing and Jirou and the rest are so in character that blows mi mind. Thank you so so much for writing this and I'll be waiting with impatience the next one (seriously I'm going to die waiting but it'll be worth it).
PD: maybe the fact that Jirou is my fave character makes me a little subjective BUT WHO CARES, thank you so much again!
Latias876 chapter 2 . 1/14/2019
Oh my godd Jirou! Stop putting it off!

On another note, great to see this fic updated! :D
Whieteyes1989 chapter 2 . 1/14/2019
Well damn. Good news is that when she talks to Izuku it'll be after he learns that the future can be changed. So there's a positive!
Squip123 chapter 1 . 12/27/2018
Plz update
GamingFox666 chapter 1 . 12/4/2018
Loved it. Your writing is great, and the stuff you consider here is top-notch as well. There is, after all, only so much time, and if you can do anything at all, even if you're not sure... Well, I'm excited to see how this turns out. Cheers.
Keradon chapter 1 . 9/19/2018
"Get Well Soon" and "Observance" alone was enough to earn a follow... but this story earns the favorite for itself and you.

You have my ...undivded... attention, now. I eagerly await your next installment in this cycle.
Do not hug chapter 1 . 6/11/2018
I am very very sad that there isn't a second chapter for this. I mean that... that cliffhanger man. You're killing me here lol
Stalking Fan chapter 1 . 5/9/2018
where is more mate?
toraneko-chan chapter 1 . 4/6/2018

Why would you stop it here?! D: With that kind of cliffhanger... and it's been about nine months since you've posted this... I really hope you'll finish this!

Please post another part to this! The suspense is killing me!
lkazuchi chapter 1 . 3/13/2018
I truly hesitate between "Thank you God" and "I hate you". Why ? Why did you hide the sequel somewhere, when your first part was so [insert lots of adjectives] good ? I did not even read it right now, but do I need to read to say it will be enormously enjoyable ?
You won t trick me twice from now, I won t miss anything you wrote !
KiarikaK chapter 1 . 12/21/2017
Your fics are just AMAZING, i can't wait to read a second part!
Akane Minori chapter 1 . 11/15/2017
Super hooked on this concept. Jirou's an underused character with a lot of potential, and you're rockin' it~
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