Reviews for Queen of the Dead
Ebony-Dove chapter 10 . 1/30/2019
Your Hades is spot on! I really like that Hades seems to have all the dirt on the other gods
GwenuitHolland chapter 12 . 8/25/2017
WOW I LOVE THIS! On a whim I looked if I could find a story with Hades and Persephone and had the luck to find yours finished :D

This story is amazing and I really appreciate that you took the original Greek mytholigy! With that, thank you for having Eros and not cupid, because that is my greatest pet peeve in the Hercules series :P

Really I don't need to read another story from someone else, this was it! I don't know what you have in mind for a sequel, but if you are ready to begin one, I will read it, for sure!

Yours faithfully,

ROCuevas chapter 12 . 7/30/2017
Quite a fun story this was.
Dreamsandimaginations chapter 12 . 7/28/2017
huh. I always thought it was half a year instead of a third.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! it can't be the end already! :(
but first. MentheMint. How on earth did I not see that? XD Finally she got her comeuppance in such a a great way. I love how Demeter finally got to see how much Sephy and Hades loved each other. no one wants to see their child unhappy.
I loved it, although this last part felt a bit rushed. still great, just.. very quick through the time lapses to let both Sephy's and Hades emotions truly sink in.
If you're ever gonna do a sequel, which I'm hoping you will.. I have a few propositions to give you as an inspiration. *coughs while rolling out the list*
1) Give us dead!Meg meeting up with Hades.
2) Hades, during Herc's twelve works, aiding along with the other deities to get back to Hera.
3) Sephy-Hecate developing a BFF-relationship and going to Elysium to go shopping, while Hades and Thanatos are chilling with a beer. Dunno, but just seems awesome.
4) More Cerberus-Hades moments! would love to see him try to work with his dog and Sephy being his teacher on how to train Cerby.
5) More mentioning of greek myths! Theseus and Orpheus went down to the underworld. I was hoping to see them appear during the "hades holding court" scenes.
ROCuevas chapter 11 . 7/27/2017
Quite adorable.
Dreamsandimaginations chapter 11 . 7/27/2017
I have already brought up the same things in earlier chapters: you keep Sephy's innocence so well, even after all this time she spent with Hades. Seems she'll never truly shed it, and that Hades wouldn't want it either. Damn. Menthe's still not dead (A naiade can't really die, but.. you know what I mean XD) but I hope the next time she comes arround she gets to be put into place by Sephy. Or.. Hades could ask Eros for Menthe and Hermes to fall in love with each other, as a part of a deal (he didn't let Thanatos take Psyche after all) so those two stop making goo-goo eyes to either Hades or Sephy.
Hermes taking over part of Thanatos's work because he's too lazy, very clever. Sometimes those two get mixed up in the mythos on who's taking the souls down to the underworld (probably because Hermes is the one to take Sephy with him on Zeus's behalf in the myths)
I loved how you brought in the "one doubts if he or she is good enough for the other in a relationship" It is a stage that every couple has after the first butterflies have passed and just before things get really serious/long term. Hades with the whole "beauty is shallow" scene, and taking her to the living world, man.. It brought a little tear to my eye. *applauds with standing ovation* No one is ugly to someone who's truly in love with you. (Again, why isn't he Zuzu's therapist?) however, I really, really was concerned that Demeter would show up and take Sephy with her. Or that Hades would get beaten the shit out of him (she's not one of the big three, but a mother's rage can sure make her powerful.) Or just... well, anything that could go wrong, and what usually goes wrong in your fics. XD everything feels a bit TOO good right now, safe for the whole world that is dying. Hades will have to do a lot more hours with a lot of complaints...
"A week" eh? they beat the record after all. XD Hermes and Apollo would see green from jealousy if Hades would tell on how he "deflowered" the goddess of spring a couple of times.
ROCuevas chapter 10 . 7/26/2017
Ooh quite well done.
Dreamsandimaginations chapter 10 . 7/26/2017
Menthe.. I have a feeling she and hecate will try to break them up as a team.
Really was hoping for Sephy to turn into her more frightening form and rip her throat out. XD her anger is going to get to her at some point, right?
So.. herc has already killed Meg? or it still has to happen? (oooh, perhaps demeter is somehow indirectly responsible for it?)
love the still undecided conflict within sephy. you write her very good.
"Read my lips. not happening" Hades boy, you are plagiating Meg. She's not going to be happy.
and hallo, thanatos! I love that guy. (PLEASE let Meg taunt him when she's taken to the underworld. damn. kinda wanna see Meg/Thanatos now. XD
ROCuevas chapter 9 . 7/26/2017
Interesting chapte.r
Dreamsandimaginations chapter 9 . 7/25/2017
christ. Hera was everything I expected her to be. That bitch of a whore I just wanna strangle so hard till her eyes pop out. sorry. Got a bit carried away. All for spiting zeusy, she uses Hades as a pawn and lays waste on her husband's child. Malificent is a baby compared to her. Great to bring her character to live from the greek mythos!
Ah. Herc gets to find out the truth. Poor guy what a shocker for him to learn it from the vengeful woman who he thought to be his mother instead of his father. I think he and Sephy would get along very well when they meet during his final task.
Hades and Herc talking was just great, fantastic really. but the part that really threw me off, was all the references you made to the hercules series! XD it took a bit to figure out, since I watched a few of those episodes when I was a kid... but boy was that great. So wait.. the big three changed timelines with the aid of Cronos? well that is a really clever way to explain the differences between the greek mythos and the disneyfied version of hercules! uhhh.. Hades, I think you spoiled a little bit too much of the future. Unless its not the butterfly effect here applied but the Fates?
ROCuevas chapter 8 . 7/24/2017
Quite nicely done.
Dreamsandimaginations chapter 8 . 7/24/2017
Reading too much specifics about "doing it in the sheets" makes me uncomfortable too, but.. it was not too graphic and such.
But the way it comes to the "big shebang" was sweet, lighthearted and then..
"let's do the marriage night thing". Oh Kore..XD glad to see she has still that innocence about her. Couldn't help but laugh at that phrase.
As for Hades... whoah, and here I thought he couldn't get even more inflicted with his queen. I mean, that guy could really be a good marriage therapist for Zeus. you missed your real call there, Hades. So sweet how he comforts her and tries her to relax. If I didn't know better they weren't greek gods with the whole tragedy thing going on, you know, but a normal couple.
Three days?! wish they had broken it to show off to that babylonian god because they are by far the best couple out there in all of mythos. (although, Loki/Sigunn is quite close second to me for being the most loyal couple)
And then Pain and Panic had to ruin it by barging in. *sigh* I was hoping that Hades would refuse them when he heard about Hecate - not for doing it in the sheets once more, but just to be with his queen, because he finds Kore more important then the plots he has above. Now THAT would have been such a great character developement right there. that was the only nitpick I had with this chapter.
Now.. as for Hecate.. why do I feel its a rouse to get Hades back on Olympus so SHE can try to manipulate the events in her favor? Perhaps Hermes will go and try to get Sephy out of the underworld while Hades is on Olympus.. speaking of which. very worried for Hades right now, cause practically every god could drink his ichor at this point. Really, Hades? You think everyone is going forget you stole Kore? Demeter will let them surely not forget...
ROCuevas chapter 7 . 7/23/2017
Quite well done.
ROCuevas chapter 6 . 7/23/2017
Quite an interesting development.
Dreamsandimaginations chapter 7 . 7/23/2017
waaaaw. the Persehades ship is really taking off right now. Hallelujah they have kissed!
Sephy and Hades cuddling in bed, Hades trying to make her happy with whatever he can acchieve (pain and panic don't seem to mind being roasted if it means Hades gets the girl XD), Hades being all protective about her against Hecate and the ophiotaurus... SO. FREAKING. ADORABLE.
she's already a year in the underworld! stockholm syndrom could happen but there have to be criteria... like the Beast, Hades begins to show a gentler side and doesn't abuse her. I hate when people say Belle is a victim of stockholm syndrom. She's not. She makes her own choice to stay, she gets angry when the beast is angry at her. If she were to have it, she would be a slave-like creature. I HATE when people compare that fairy tale to that syndrom! (sorry, me just ranting!)
Crap. Sephy knows both about what the food does to her should she eat it AND about Hecate's plans. Should she stay, it would twart Hecate but also be unable to see her mother. What a damn difficult dilemma. Also, love how Sephy defends her husband's honour.
hmmm... She shines brighter when she's happy, eh? I loved them chasing and teasing each other.
"Depends if the opportunity presents itself"
I was totally expecting Kore to say she wanted to get into the plot as well XD She has a misshievious side after all.
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