Reviews for Memory Lane
nurmee chapter 1 . 8/9/2017
Can't believe you've written your 100th story already, and I missed out on it. Aw man!
A Belated Happy 100th. That's an amazing achievement to be proud of especially if every single story is an exceptional masterpiece on its own. You're totally talented and ridiculously great in what you do that I do hope that you'll also find success outside of this website and have a publishing company find you or something, the characters and shows you write about are great but your skillful hands and brain are the actual gift to this website. Thank you so so so so much, you've got us spoiled! And I pray for another thousand stories coming from our beloved Inks. AMEEEEN!

To the story: Gawwd, it's so good! Loved the very insightful flashbacks into the past of where Gibbs started with his boys, it was emotional and made me emotional too. The interactions and conversations at the table were a plus and I adored the addition of Mike. It seems like everytime Mike is around Gibbs seems to manifest his paternal side more openly and Mike turns into a very permissive and soft-hearted Grampa who gives out candy when he's not supposed to. But I love it!
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 1 . 8/7/2017
An amusing flashback story. Left a smile on my face.

Hugs, Che'
Foureye chapter 1 . 7/24/2017
Happy 100th, congratulations to you! Again, I'm not able to pay you for your effort except with a review and a big heartfelt thank you of my own.
Thank you so freaking much Inks, for sending us one hundredth time through a roller coaster full of emotions and feelings! I've had them all because every story on its own is a beautifully written master piece!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22/2017
Awesome story as always, thanks inks!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22/2017
How demanding would it be for me to ask that you do this story or something similar all over again with the girls? Pretty demanding? Kinda demanding? I'll pay in smiles and sprinkles! Puh-lease. I'd love it!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22/2017
Please don't disappear again! X
Sean24 chapter 1 . 7/22/2017
Soooo glad you have decided to keep writing! I love your stories!
NCISJunkie79 chapter 1 . 7/22/2017
Awww, Inks, I don't think you have any idea how much your readers anticipate and appreciate your newest story line, one shot or latest installment of an ongoing saga. Bless your innocent little heart! You have a rare talent and I'm amazed you haven't been approached by a publishing company! Thanks for all you do to keep us entertained. We're totally, unashamedly spoiled. Speaking of which... I'm STILL waiting on a de-aged Abby story! . ️U‼️
Deedee2413 chapter 1 . 7/21/2017
Great story. I feel like it's a classic already. The interactions between everyone are very realistic and in character. Not all ncis fanfic authors can stay that true to the characters. Well done! I'm glad you're doing okay!
Congratulations on 100 stories. It's an amazing accomplishment to write so many well written stories.
TracyTravis chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
Thank you for all the wonderful stories you've written! That is quite an accomplishment! Any time I get email with a new chapter or new story I do a happy dance. I like the flow of your stories and the way I see the NCIS family team too. They are more than mere co-workers...they are more, especially after working together so long. I think that is what I have missed these last few seasons. But thankfully I'm able to relive through your stories. Can't wait til you reach 200! I loved this story...Gibbs in the hot seat initially then it shifted to both Tony and Tim remembering their first time with Gibbs style punishment.
GuestG chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
Congratulations! Give yourself a huge pat on the back. You've earned it.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
I love how you wrote Gibbs a little more 'gruff' with them in his earlier days (but still caring of course). You can tell how he's definitely softened with them over the years and the impact they've had on him. How sweet!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
Congratulations on reaching 100 stories, please don't stop. I enjoy reading your work so much, and this one was great.

Glad that you are ok, and look forward to seeing more stories in the future.
reader82 chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
Wow, 100 stories already? And I loved every single one I read. Thank you for the marvelous time I head with your artworks.

And once again this fic was perfect. A trip down memory lang fits so good to # 100. Please keep up your writing - and update on fiction press as well.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
You keep the team that lives on in my head and heart alive and for that I am so so thankful. #cheese Xx
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