Reviews for Anything But Ordinary
Omnitrix 12 chapter 51 . 4/4
Well, I see Macey is still at it. Can't think of much to say that I haven't already, but I'll be curious to see how things turn out. I didn't realize family drama came up so much in the show.
Guest chapter 51 . 3/29
Oh so that was how that was how the “you have a mom” gag worked. I didn’t get it as a kid.
gwencarson126 chapter 1 . 3/26
Stuck at home too, out of school and job, gives me more reading time
gwencarson126 chapter 51 . 3/26
The episodes were skipped, rest of "Demon World - part 2" missing
Current chapter is good though, shows more of oc character towards her anxiety
Guest chapter 51 . 3/26
Coronavirus has been keeping me inside too. My mom doesn’t want me to catch it. I hope it passes soon, I’m getting antsy being inside all day.
D.J. Scales chapter 51 . 3/26
Oh boy oh boy.
Guest chapter 50 . 3/25
Is there an update? It's still 50 chapters. I think it's a computer error
Guest chapter 27 . 3/13
Sad there is no Through the rabbit hole
gwencarson126 chapter 50 . 3/13
Love the personality of dynamics of Macey
Looking forward to reading more, hope you update soon
Guest chapter 50 . 2/27
I guess even Jackie can experience an adrenaline rush or as he called it when referring to Jade "something rush." And the apology over the talisman just screamed Jackie,s character. As always, a job well done
Guest chapter 49 . 12/23/2019
I really like how Macey isn't one of those mary sue characters. I love oc canon fanfics but I hate when the oc is unrealistically skilled or has a perfect life or any of that junk. I find Macey to be a much more relatable character than some fanfics I have had the displeasure of reading.
Wowza03 chapter 49 . 8/4/2019
Cool it got updated on it’s publishing aniversery :-)
Guest chapter 49 . 8/4/2019
Love it
Guest chapter 48 . 7/2/2019
Is Jackie aware that Macey has asthma?
Guest chapter 48 . 7/1/2019
Please continue
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