Reviews for Captive
emison4Eva chapter 20 . 6/1
in dire need of a sequel
Guest chapter 1 . 10/12/2019
kurtdashielle chapter 20 . 4/18/2019
Hot hot hot!
Deb chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
This was an absolute Masterpiece in Every way. Wow. I really really Hope You‘ll bless us with another Emison fiction someday. Who can do it better than you?! Adore your work.
MichLeah chapter 1 . 1/16/2019
Hey I know I'm late for my review although I read the last chapter the very day you updated it. But anyways you already know by all the review you received that you did an awesome job and way better than the show. I wish you were the writer for the show. I'm sure you would have killed it.
But im so thankful to you that you completed this wonderful fanfiction and did not lose your motivation as a writer. I know you said you wont be writing any emison fanfiction anymore which is a disappointment to me since I only read emison fanfic but nonetheless I wish you the best for your future fanfictions. Take care.
Kiki chapter 1 . 1/13/2019
Hi. I absolutely love your Emison stories. Please write another Emison story. It would mean a lot. I know the show has ended and you wrote an absolute masterpiece recently. But Emison has so much potential when it comes to fiction and you re by FAR the absolute best to do it. I’m definitely a fan of your writing. xx
Guest chapter 1 . 1/13/2019
So Alison knew Emily was copy cat and Paige her helper all along, right? She even said it to Emily herself. But did she play along because she knew Emily wasn’t the one who had released the sextape but Paige? Did she know Emily kinda lost the control over the game and wanted to catch Paige?
Please answer!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/13/2019
So Alison knew Emily was copy cat and Paige was helping her, right?
I mean we know she knew, she even said it to Emily but did Alison just play along because she knew since the sex tape that someone else (probably Paige) had been the one to release it? Was she trying to catch Paige because she knew/thought that Emily had „lost her game“ to her?
Guest chapter 20 . 1/5/2019
That was HOT!
Seeingstrz chapter 20 . 1/5/2019
Please write more Emison! Thanks for finishing
Legit Fire chapter 20 . 12/27/2018
You got a whole bunch of long reviews so I might as well add one more to the pile. Something tells me you wouldn't complain about that. First things first, you really hit a gem with this story. It might be a subjective thought but, in my opinion, unconventional, out-of-the-box stories are so much more interesting than your typical plots with it comes to this pairing. No disrespect to the other writers because writing any kind of story is a difficult task but there is a reason why some of the greatest Emison fanfictions are AU's. I personally don't go by numbers, in this particular instance, because numbers does not indicate quality. I would give examples to this claim but, again, I don't want to shit on other writers. As for this story, you gave a lot for the readers to eat, even if they don't realize it at first.

There are many authors out there that know how to write but not all of them know how to illustrate. I find that to be two seperate things. Someone can write a scene just for you to understand what's going on and someone could illustrate a scene to make you feel that you're actually there, lurking in the corners. From the environment to the characters, it shows that you worked hard to give them life and depth. For example, you take Show!Emily's sense of conviction and mixed it with Book!Emily's pain to get the ultimate Emily to deal with Alison instead of writing a puppy Emily who can't think for herself. Thank you! Honestly, I'm tired of opening a story and reading Emily being written like a child and not a grown ass woman. Unless the story calls for that kind of characterization, Emily should have a brain and motivation of her own. I get that she's someone who wears her heart on her sleeve, wants the best for everyone, and sometimes can't stick to one thing to save her life (It's the poor Libra in her), but that shouldn't mean that she's a babbling, horny fool who can't think straight when she stands before Alison.

Alison, on the other hand, is devilishly marvelous. Exactly who Alison REALLY is. I didn't believe in the "redemption" for her. I believe her conniving, dangerously manipulative behavior is her true nature, however, she learned how to conceal it a lot better around others as she got older. When you refuse to eat the shit the show tries to spoon feed us in terms of Alison's "change of heart" and watch her in the later seasons as a psychopath trying to blend in with the community (and not the depressed PTA mom as Daddy Liv commented), she seems a lot more scarier than any "villain" on the show. And I believe you nailed that PERFECTLY.

After reading certain chapters like the hospital escape, Alison drugging Emily, and Alison ease of killing people that she deems has to die, I would go to the reviews to see people's take on Alison and I was surprised very, very few disliked Alison. I think the writer, AM, was probably the vocal population of one. Maybe it's because so many of us love how evil Alison is ironically. That is what made Alisom DiLaurentis so larger than life after all. But you would think that if someone is truly bad, there should be an aspect of them that you would loathe, even if you like them? Causing that drastic love/hate relationship with them? I don't know. That's something I tend to think about often. But Alison stayed so true to character throughout this story, even the conflicting range of emotions she started to gain for Emily, battling between feelings and her paranoia, was done well. Does Alison love Emily or does she love to control her? Maybe she love Emily's unwavering attraction to her more. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

I lost interest in Emison due to Marlene and JD (Fuck you JD), just because they didn't know how to do just that - keep the characters within their characters, whether good or bad. Imagine my surprise when you made Emily the copycat. At first I was confused because how would that have worked? But then rereading, it makes senses AND stays in-line with Emily's past/motives. And now you have two sinister people, both thinking they're justified in their evilness. And what makes this work is that they both KNOW exactly how to push the other - Alison and her unpredictability keeps Emily on her toes and Emily understanding at how to get the upper hand on Alison at times, like Emily using sex as a weapon.

This story is not your feel good, happy-go-lucky Emison story but if it's not one of the truest descriptions of how Emison truly works inside, I don't know what is. From beginning to end, thank you for giving us the opportunity to read and be apart of this story.
Guest chapter 20 . 12/26/2018
OHHH...MY...GOD (insert Janice voice) (friends reference lol) THIS STORY WAS AMAZINGGG. Not going to lie I had my doubts when u revealed Emiky was the copy cat, but...just...WOW...I'm speechless! You're such a talented writer, I wish you the best of luck in whatever you're going to pursue next! And THANK YOU for taking your free time to write for us! If you ever have the time/motivation to write another story for the emison. Fandom, I can assure you it would mean the world to us. You're pretty much the best thing to happen to this fandom, and the only thing we have left. When I was watching emison on the show I always pictured them as the characters you've written(well maybe not emison from this story, but from duplicity). Your emison is 10000000000000x better than show emison. They need to bring you on board the perfectionists! Well thanks again, and happy holidays!
Daddy Liv chapter 20 . 12/26/2018
I'm not that great with long words and stuff but I just wanted to let you know this story affected my life more than it SHOULD HAVE. I'm not going to be a fraud and act like everyone else with the critic kind of reviews. Not that you don't deserve it! You absolutely do deserve all the big reviews! Problem is I mostly read this story for the sex I wont even lie LMAO.

Emison fizzled out to me a while ago because of the shit writing for them. I think I got tired of them when their story was NOT matching the hype the actors were giving them. The actors would "act" like Emison (and PLL as a whole) was the greatest thing soon to happen to the show when in actuality Alison was being treated like a depressed pta mom whose husband is fucking around with a 20 year old behind her back and Emily is failure of life. Now Emily was more realistic because i think WE ALL are failures but they gave her no personality outside swimming and being gay. Fuck that. Then they had the audacity to RAPE Alison because MK's fetish is making gays suffer and dark ass shit that should alert homeland security. I blame the twitter fandom for that because they don't know what the fuck they wanted and allowed fanfic writing to cloud their judgment. That's how we got a Emisom fandom, the actresses acting as if THIS IS LIT and me starting to ne annoyed by them. Homophobia at it's finest.

Anyways Idk why I ranted but it was for me to explain how I grew away from Emison and how THIS story made me remember what made me interested in them in the first place. So yeah I only read for the smut and the smut was DAMN FUCKING GOOD. So good that I decided to read the actual story. It was that handcuff chapter I swear. I was so lost yet so intrigued that I had to give this story justice. Of course you had to end the book with a bang Haha! :P Daddy is love, daddy is life. And Emily certainly is all of that shit. Bless you and your dirty mind. I know writers are insecure about that shit but take it from me, literal trash.

This shit SLAPS.
Becky316 chapter 20 . 12/26/2018
This story deserves a round of applause. ALL the applauses. There is a group of my friends that decided to read this story and we actually read this as a book club almost which I figured you should know as an author. Maybe the thought that you have a bunch of people reading your story in a huddle like a cult would be inspiring haha! Unlike the others, I READ all the books and you nabbed the characterizations of these girls better than A LOT of Emison writers out there. I feel with others they get so caught up in the show's version of the girls that they oversaturate that personality with their book personality when writing a book canon story. But you balance it well enough that you see the best aspects of both mixed into one person. I honestly wasn't really surprised by the end because it was the perfect setup! I was surprised about the guts it takes to do something like being the copycat. She (don't want to spoil) must have been TORMENTED to the point of that break. If anything, it makes me so sad. Her life never experienced peace again after meeting Ali and that's such shit. The end epilogue was funny as shit though! I would have never expected it to be like that. Under a fucking dress hahahaha. Alison was whipped into shape immediately. The limo driver had no idea! Insert 'God I wish that were me' meme HAHA. Thank you for finishing this story! A lot of fics don't see an end so whenever an Emison fic is completed, an angel gets its wings.
Hanna Benson chapter 20 . 12/26/2018
You know what? I read Fractured. I read that fic and always wondered what if there was an Emison version of this? But then I knew it couldn't happen because 1. It would be batshit crazy 2. There would be no such thing as any real happy ending 3. It'll be hard to write through and through. But you. You were that writer to attack it and write it through and through. Idk how. I thought this story would cave at some point in the middle. I thought the pressure of canon would force this into a different direction but you found a way to leave this story with such an open ending that nothing is really "definite". That was the perfect way to end this tbh. The twist also was another great touch. I was thinking of everyone under the sun, even suspecting Jessica/Mary for the second. But of course, some things are RIGHT in front of you. Your epilogue was a nicely done bow that needed to be included.

But can we talk about Emily's thing? Yes we should because you wouldn't have included it if you didn't want it to be talked about. I won't lie. Reading the reviews following up, I really thought we were going to get some crazy ass shit (you can thank Acquiredmadness for creating that unnecessary hype). But then talking to my friends about it, it made sense why it was less "demon fucking" and more about controlling the demon herself in terms of pace and intensity. Not everything has to be crazy all the time. That being said, Emily was a bold bitch for that plan. If I WAS EMILY...shit. That dressing room couch would have temporarily turned into a Casting Couch, okay? I'm just saying! But she was crazy for that plan because it could have flopped but at the same time, Emily really knows Alison does she? Both of them deserve each other. Well idk if Emily deserves Alison but she's surely stuck with the bitch hahaha. Awesome story really. I've read Duplicity before and I feel like this one outdoes that story as you upgraded with your storytelling. Duplicity gets the overall publicity though when this one should get more tbh but hey you made two delicious cakes so no complaints!
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