Reviews for A Boy's Destiny
DowserJ-7 chapter 118 . 7/24
A fantastic end to an absolutely brilliant saga, loved every second of it!
scrandle chapter 100 . 7/23
I know I'll be done reading your story soon and it makes me sad:'( lol
scrandle chapter 90 . 7/20
MAn this story is just, so ugh. I wish I could write like you! This story is awesome!
leannejames000 chapter 118 . 7/20
I read this entire story in 2 days. Brilliant. I'm so glad I found this story.
scrandle chapter 48 . 7/16
The part with the cow made me laugh out loud! Cheers to your 8 yr old!
scrandle chapter 32 . 7/14
wow this chapter is amazing, well done. You have elevated Aredian to a level I never would have expected, dispelling with the typical mindless torture that is so prevalent in fanfics. His monologue at the end there was fantastic as well, nice job.
mersan123 chapter 118 . 6/18
Well Charis. I finally forced myself to sit and read the end to this most brilliant tale. I can honestly say I was not disappointed.
A little sad to see so many leave Camelot to start afresh elsewhere. I am sure Camelot will miss Leon and Gwaine in particular.
Merlin is a free boy/man. Wonderful.
All up, just such a captivating story. So full of angst, heart break, hope and humour. Well done.
Left with a smile on my face as I think of a young mans thoughts regarding his love being caught by Arthur. What a way to finish.
It has been one hell of a ride. Never saw it growing to the story it become, but oh so glad it did.
Well done Charis. You deserve a rest after this - and maybe a glass of wine;)
I will be back to read this one again.
Thank you!
mersan123 chapter 117 . 6/17
Beautiful Charis. But so very sad. I actually teared up on the loss of Percival. That just broke my heart.
So many lost. I guess you could argue that so many were saved too.
I am so thrilled that Mithian survived. I thank you for that as I am sure Leon does too.
On to the last chapter. Again, so very sad.
Guest chapter 118 . 6/14
I have just spent a week reading this. It's brilliant and you're an amazing writer. Thankyou!
EimearC chapter 118 . 5/31
I can’t believe it’s over. Started reading this close to two years ago now and I feel like I’ve reread it a million times since then. Thank you for all 118 incredible chapters
Straight Gate chapter 118 . 5/31
Great yarn. Merlin gives everyone magical powers to stop hate and defeat the Dochraid. Awesome that Morgana helped him.
I liked your back stories on your characters. It is what adds so much depth to any story. I liked your analogy how people are not perfect and in certain situations could be bad. If they are aware, of that badness, they will always be on guard. It gives a whole new spin on the repentance process or overcoming addiction. O. A. members are always on guard. The successful ones keep learning, keep going to meeting for needed support. It is how they keep the weight off. The realize the can't do it alone and need support.
There is actually more you could write on this. Merlin and Freya's courtship , marriage, babies. How Merlin unwillingly becomes king of magic due to his enormous power and ability.
DragonLover1551 chapter 118 . 5/31
Wait this is the end? Whaaat? And I was wondering how Elyan managed to get so good so soon to be able to heal people but you explained it. And youre right. I also couldnt believe its been 2 years. Ive been reading and following this story for 2 years. And I love it to the end.
DragonLover1551 chapter 117 . 5/31
So Merlin gave them magic, but it's not exactly like how people born with magic have it? I still wasn't expecting a twist like this.
fireicewriter42 chapter 118 . 5/30
Wow! It's gorgeous. Great job! 3
Gingeraffealene chapter 118 . 5/30
Well done. A very realistic and healthy ending. Albion is beginning on a sure foundation. You put such great effort into this. I enjoyed all of it. Thank you’ll much!
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