Reviews for Lord Kid
2400shadow chapter 15 . 4/14
So glad to see another update on this. Kid certainly has a lot to deal with right now. Hopefully he can sort it out. As well as remember that he has people he can fall back on. Can't wait to see what comes next.
2400shadow chapter 13 . 11/10/2019
Oh boy. How will Lord Death be able to handle this new threat? However Kidd chooses to do so, I'm sure he can find it in himself to get the job done. So long as he remembers that he has great friends that he can rely on to help him on his way. Can't wait for the next one!
2400shadow chapter 10 . 6/5/2019
Woo hoo! This is awesome! This new character seems fun. Poor kid. As if he hadn't had enough on his plate. Now he's got to deal with all of this. I wonder how everyone else is doing, but I guess we'll find out once they regroup at DWMA and Death City. Anyway, this was a great bunch of updates and I can't wait for more. I love this story.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/1/2019
I loved this so much!
Mlle-holmes chapter 4 . 3/25/2019
Perfect ! :) The chapter 5 ?
Varkrow chapter 4 . 12/31/2018
Oh boy...
2400shadow chapter 4 . 12/18/2018
Wow. Okay. I was not expecting this. What a big major betrale we have here! I hope it is just between the witch judge and a sub group of witches as apposed to all of them or the majority of them, cause damn. This is not what they need right now. They put so much in Stock with ending the war with the witches and beginning to coexist with one another. I really hope it doesn't begin all over again with this, or as a result of this. Now I really can't WAIT to see what happens next with this. This story is amazing. Instant fave! You have great talent with writing stories that stay true to the sours material. I hope you have plans to continue this story.
2400shadow chapter 3 . 12/18/2018
Kid giving Mabaa a piggy back ride was absolutely adorible. See everybody? Kid can be accommodating when he wants to be (although, I'm sure "want" had very little to do with it). It's good to see the politics between the witches and the DWMA. Most of the post Soul Eater stories I see do little to mention it or treat it as though it's done with. Its good to see a story that treats it as though it is a process. Because it is. It takes a long time to work out their differences. Especially when their is centuries of conflict rife with pain, anger and resentment between the two parties. Its good to see Kid taking in witches to help prove that they are willing to set aside those differences. And of course, I love all of the support he is getting from his friends.
2400shadow chapter 2 . 12/18/2018
Well, this was quite unexpected. Having Kid see passed on souls that no one else can see was a surprise, but we'll in line with what I would expect him to be able to do as a fully fledged death (among many, MANY other things). It's definitely nice to see more of his responsibilities, especially those that don't pertain to the physical real. It's a nice aspect I feel that adds to the legitimacy of what being a death god entails and gives the character more complexity. And the whole aspect of him being effected by a pomegranate as a symbol of life was nice as well. I like what you are doin with this. Can't wait to read the rest.
2400shadow chapter 1 . 12/18/2018
It's good to see Kid being just that; a kid. He obviously has a lot of pressures just being the new Lord Death. Not too mention how hard it is for him as a son. He's clearly still morning his father and suffering from a great deal of self doubt. It's tough trying to fill shoes from someone you viewed as being truly larger than life. Makes you want to give him a hug and say, "don't worry, Kid, no one is perfect". Hopefully Kid realizes that this isn't something that you get on the first few tries. You gotta get better over time. Just put your best foot forward and keep giving it all you got. You'll get there eventually. I also love how his friends have him join them in stead of keeping their distance on account of him being a (very busy) new Death Lord. They're not pulling away from him, and their not about to let him pull away from them either. It's touching. You did a very good job with this. Everything seems as it should be if the actual story had continued.
Lexosaurus chapter 3 . 12/1/2018
WHOA GOOD SHIT SO FAR! I love Kid so much omg
who44 chapter 3 . 10/11/2018
do you still continuing this story? i know it's late to say this but i really like the story and wonder what will happen next
NoneHereRightNow chapter 2 . 7/26/2017
Wow. I never thought about a day like this. It's very interesting that he's finding out things that he never knew because his father didn't tell him.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
Type your review here...

That was so cool to read. Make more please.
NoneHereRightNow chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
Interesting. I love the concept of Kid getting used to being a God,