Reviews for Wish Unspoken, Dream Unbroken
Nox Counterspell chapter 14 . 4/16/2017
The year: 2017, the chosen one: NoxCounterspell...
I'm an old child of who retired from this page out of people who was basically just being just stupid... I'm going on a tangent here, the thing is I moved to Ao3 and I recently flared up my CCS-fan mode back thanks to the new arc or manga and the upcoming OVA and series... And I fell onto my "I NEED TYY" mode cause I didn't remember how much I like that shipping (They were my CCS ot3). Anyway, I read everything (and when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING) on AO3 about TYY (sadly, it's about 66 fics, give or take) and I wasn't happy. I'm wasn't satisfied. SO, I looked up on tumblr and even deviantart... and then remembered my origins so I thought of heading here to see if there was any fic I could ran across with about TYY... And boy I ran face first into THIS fic and I was HOOKED. Like read-14-chapters-in-about-two-hours hooked.
It was just a plot twist under a plot twist. I was here, just thinking I would find your average 'Touya and Yuki are in love and happy and Yue is sulking and doesn't know why and suddenly Touya kisses Yue cause he comes to realization he loves him too and Yue is flustered but is in love with Touya as well and Yuki is just amused by all this" kind of fic. But no. First, it was Yue who acted first (I was screaming 'YOU GO BABY; GET THAT MAN!, Yue is and forever will be my baby child), and then my heart was breaking cause of Yuki, and then mayhem broke loose and my feelings didn't even know what to do. It was SO GOOD. I loved it, it was really well written, the characters were on point and if possible, I think I ship TYY harder than ever now.
Just so you know, I'm going to ignore all my duties and responsabilities now to raid your profile from any other fic you may have about them, maybe even indulge if there is any SaSy around (I love them, they are super cute together, but we basically only see their relationship on Clear Card, so I need my TYY).
You earned a virtual high five, my respect and loyalty, if you are still posting anything about them.
Sending tons of kudos and love!
Hoshiyo-hime chapter 14 . 7/8/2016
This story make me feel at the edge of crying. Yue and Touya are by far my favorite couple in CCS universe. Thank you for make this days of final exams (college, ugh) the ligther. I love every single word.
A big hug, were, from the future ;)
The Third Biker Scholar chapter 6 . 6/14/2015
can't wait to read the rest!
Kokoroyume chapter 14 . 2/16/2014
Another amazing one :)
jadelikescats chapter 14 . 6/5/2013
i really love this story :) you made the relationship between yukito, touya, and yue really interesting and realistic! one of the best fanfics i've ever read
Threadbare Threnody chapter 14 . 10/27/2012
Thanks for the story and I hope you continue to write.
Eru no Tsubasa chapter 14 . 9/25/2011
Thank you so much for a wonderful story! XD Beautiful! XD
GentleMidnightSnow chapter 9 . 8/17/2009
Yeah, Evanescene has very depressing side effects.
Chara chapter 14 . 6/18/2009
Woot! All I can say! Woot!
cdsmm chapter 14 . 7/2/2007
TamChronin.. you rock! i love your touya/yuki stories! please make more! *HUGS REALLY TIGHT* \0/
Strawberrylover chapter 14 . 6/15/2007
I liked this story. I swear in the earlier chapters, i was ready to bust out my tissues. But i was able to handle. The details in this story was VERY very good. That's what i liked most. :D Great job!

Mr chapter 14 . 12/29/2006
Nothing left to say... I started reading your story yesterday, and eventually turned into a hermit. I never left the computer, and stayed up till 3am. Once I got started, I had to finish. It's been a long time since a story kep me interested enough to read the whole thing. Please continue writing these amazing stories.

- New Fan

Teekagirl chapter 14 . 9/14/2006
Very sweet tangled mess you managed to make out of the Yukito-Touya-Yue romance, but I enjoyed the way you resolved it.
Ivythornsword chapter 14 . 6/7/2006
I litterally almost cried, but because I'm in school I didn't. I felt so bad when Mirror died and even worse when Yukito went suicidal, but still this is a work of brilliance!
Rei Asakura chapter 14 . 4/2/2006
Your story ate up my morning. There were some things I objected to- sort of little niggling 'I wouldn't've done it that way!' squeaks in the back of my mind that I resolutely banished- but nothing that really distracted me from enjoying it.

(You need to write more in the X fandom. It's really kind of empty of good, long fanfics.)
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