Reviews for Broken Bonds Sequel story
Pixie07 chapter 7 . 11/26/2018
This was a very nice update, it's always nice to read a father son bonding chapter
fugitivus chapter 7 . 11/6/2018
Thanks for the update! I really like Minato in this scene. Previously you've showed Kushina playing the role of a mediator, who understands her son, so it was nice to show us her being more strict and Minato giving up for the sake of connecting with his son. Hope we'll hear from you soon:) I'd also would love to see if Naruto-Minato could improve their relationship in the present! Hope to hear from you soon!
Guest chapter 7 . 11/3/2018
Thanks for the update is was AWSOME!
Rey Bee chapter 7 . 11/3/2018
Hey, I'm so glad you updated it! Even if it's not my favourite kind of chapter;) I like Minato made an exeption. And yeah, he does neglect his son too much:( in Uchiha case, we can blame Sasuke for not talking openly to his father, but I really doubt Naruto hides his feelings towards Minato from him. Meh... Poor children of the Hokage. Minato should understand that it's his fault too. Or maybe he (and Fugaku) do understand it's partially their fault that their sons ran away, but in my opinion they punish them too severly.
Anyway, waiting for more as always and thanks for sharing!
fanofthisfiction chapter 7 . 11/2/2018
What a lovely surprise. I like how this chapter caught up to speed on how things were when Minato had time for Naruto and treated him to ramen at Ichiraku. To have another shared moment when Naruto was feeling at his worst was a nice way to bond...although one has to hope Kushina doesn't find out. Just kidding!

One little typo: expection should be exception.

Thanks for sharing and keeping up with the story. What wonderful feelings are exposed!
carl chapter 6 . 5/25/2018
dont give up give us more this is one of best hands down fanfic for naruto i have ever read. since ur original broken bonds please give us more
fugitivus chapter 6 . 4/19/2018
Thanks for the update! I really appreciate that you're publishing regularly now. Oh, Sasuke finally made up with Itachi and Fugaku! Nice
fanofthisfiction chapter 6 . 4/9/2018
The dramatic build to this climax was well done and I adored the fact that Itachi was the catalyst for change between Sasuke and Fugaku. You did great with their emotions and the resolution that was very much needed. Thanks for sharing!
Pixie07 chapter 6 . 4/9/2018
This is such amazing chapter, they are finally understanding each other, the hugging part was so unexpected and I loved it. Great job
fanofthisfiction chapter 5 . 4/8/2018
You did a great job comparing and contrasting the Uchiha and Namikaze households and their own stresses and strains. It's impossible not to feel bad for Itachi and Naruto. It's heartbreaking that even the young have to grow up so fast and without supportive love always by their sides due to the ongoing necessities of being a Shinobi. How sad. One can only hope there will eventually be moments when familial love will be the highlight of a day. Thanks for sharing!
Utopia Empire chapter 6 . 4/7/2018
Awwwww i love it! Itachi is so wise and Sasuke finally opened up to Fugaku.
Yes, i do realize sasuke is a douchebag (even in canon) like his father. Itachi is more compassionate like his mom. His teammate (in itachi shinden book) was a provocative jerk who kept disturbing him but Itachi helped him and never raised a fuss.
Yeah, good chapter. I really enjoy BB and BB sequel, they are awesome fics. Please update soon!
yoikiko29 chapter 6 . 4/7/2018
Wow l can't help it but it's
Really a beautiful moment when saauke huged fugaku ...and fugaku showed his fatherly ...i'm looking forward for whats comming between these are really an amazing writer
yoikiko29 chapter 3 . 3/18/2018
Yaaaaaa...I'm so happy for the next chapter ,where sasuke and his father will reconcile .I hope that fugaku will show his love to his son story is so amazing
fugitivus chapter 5 . 3/15/2018
Hey, thanks for the update. I especially love how you are able to touch important issues even though they are not the main thems of the story: so 1/ Itachi wanting to spend time as he likes. As I see it, that's not anybody's responsibility, especially not of a brother, to constantly take care of other people's need. 2/ Kushina sacrificing her career and appreciation for her housework through Naruto's eyes. Behind a man's success is in many cases stands a woman.
yoikiko29 chapter 5 . 3/7/2018
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