Reviews for Spirits Walk Where the Dead Dare Not Tread
TheMagiSpirit chapter 7 . 4/4/2018
Just finished reading through, and I have to say something...

I'm going to make it my mission to get you writing more. You can't leave us on that! haha seriously though I've been enjoying the hell out of this and I look forward to whatever you have in store for us this mini arc of yours.
GiantPsychoGecko chapter 7 . 10/14/2017
I find it kind of amusing how Gecko, was created by PainX65, and not someone named Gecko, and The Marionetta who finds inflicting pain and mass destruction fun, was created by someone named Gecko.

The subtle irony is not lost on me.
InkwellPrincess chapter 7 . 10/11/2017
Wait wait wait—the guild master's dead?! Whaaaaaat? Oh no :( When? In a previous chapter? Did I just not realise? Aw geez, everyone's all shaken up about it too. Arden's intro was sweet dude, but they're already in trouble and it hasn't even been five minutes XD. A great chapter you've written one again, and I'll be waiting patiently but eagerly for the next one
TenaciousTurtleDuck chapter 7 . 10/9/2017
Looks like things will be heating up next chapter! I suppose getting into a fight is one way to help break the folks at Spirit Walker out of their funk. I wonder if the two people at the end are the ones responsible for it? If I'm not mistaken those were Blood Queen and Marionetta from Soul Eater.
EliteOtaku111 chapter 7 . 10/9/2017
Well, do my OC will appear soon?
PainX65 chapter 7 . 10/9/2017
Cool chapter, I still see everyone is still taking it hard, to a point of drinking too. And hey, Gecko made an appearance and a possible fight as well with Spirit Walker? Can't wait to see the others in action. Good to see Carbuncle also keeping an eye on Magnus. I might make a male for one of the other open guilds. Good luck with the next chapter, looking forward to it!
WhitewolfLune chapter 7 . 10/8/2017
The guild's still mourning, losing Shekinah has been tough, which is understandable. We got to meet some new characters though, Gecko doesn't seem like he's good and the two figures at the end can't be planning anything good. The preview of the next chapter makes me hope for the next chapter soon. Anyway Great chapter and looking forward to the next.
Jeptwin chapter 7 . 10/8/2017
I see that the guild is still in its period of mourning. Completely acceptable, I think. Guildsare aupposed to be like a family, and especially for the more long-term members without parental figures of their own like Magnus, Bayen, and Spirit, I can’t imagine the suffering they’re going through.
mayurie chapter 7 . 10/8/2017
Why you do this to meeee... I can't focus on reviewing this chapter when you gave us that kind of preview, dammit. I can't handle seeing my girl and the big guy get hurt *sob* But at the same time, I'm a sadist who enjoys seeing my characters suffer. I'm definitely looking forward to the next chapter.

But still, it's nice to see how each members of the Guild react to all the changes. Spirit seems so somber (I don't even know what does somber means, but I'm using it) and quiet, very different from the first arc. And we got to see some new characters which I'll need to remember haha.

Overall, a great chapter! This even got me motivated to create a character for other guild, so I'll try to send someone as soon as I can. And as I can't wait to see the next action-packed chapter, I hope everything will turn out great for you! Good luck!
Luchux chapter 7 . 10/8/2017
New chapter! This is cool. It portrays how down are the guild members in their own grief. And the Yuki siblings taking over the guild maintenance? Yup, totally like them. Keep up the good work and I hope that everything turns good for you.
EliteOtaku111 chapter 6 . 9/25/2017
Well, not bad as usual.
WhiteReaper4 chapter 6 . 9/22/2017
Sorry Would have commented sooner but I have been very busy for the last few weeks. All these dark mages look very interesting and I cant wait to see what they end up doing, looking foreword to the next chapter.
EliteOtaku111 chapter 3 . 9/21/2017
Yo, I have an villian OC in working which I am still working on.
InkwellPrincess chapter 6 . 9/15/2017
What terrifying dark mages. Geez, I've never seen a group of people so calm about murder before... Independent mages are apart of my favourite characters, and Den is quite amazing right now
Torsa chapter 6 . 9/15/2017
A really good chapter. A lot of characters were introduced and I loved how you described my two submissions. Rasul really gives me the creeps. Don't know how I managed to come up with him.
I'm looking forward for more :D
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