Reviews for Message One
Ira-Grace White chapter 1 . 7/7/2018
WOW! This is AMAZING! You did such an awesome job on getting into each character. I also appreciate the level of editing - many people don't try to use correct grammar rules while writing, but this was A1. Keep writing!
sherryola chapter 1 . 11/29/2017
Oh, I love this, love it. I got all teary at the end. I always liked therelationship between Garcia and Hotch. Kinda thought they could make a fun romantic pairing too. Someone so light and full of joy would be good for him. It's why I liked Beth so much and didn't like Haley. I liked that it was Hotch who held her and talked to her. she needed that from the boss, the one who brought her on to the team.
arses21 chapter 1 . 9/30/2017
This was fantastic! Loved how every member reached out to her and were concerned for her! Just wonderful 3
maxxbaby chapter 1 . 8/9/2017
That was a good story. Looking forward to reading more. Great work.