Reviews for SeTiOh! Lord of Blue Eyes
GearFried The Iron Angel chapter 2 . 1/23/2005
Good God! Satan must have died from the sudden tempature drop! You updated! And my monsterous review was drawved by Gema!

Nice adaptation, and the humor was good, but is all going to mirrior duelist kingdom, or is the Kaiba going to face new challenges?

Good job, keep it up, and try and keep you mind off Deadlines, they eat away at people. I'm still missing my left pinkie from not finishing my English paper.

Ride on the wings of creation, and may the dragon's course be true.
Gema J. Gall chapter 2 . 12/20/2004
You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! _

AWESOME CHAPPIE! Yay! Mokuba didn't lose his soul *cough* yet *cough*. The part about Seto's parent's being mentioned was a nice twist. And of course the drake/lara thing replacing the joe/serenity thing is absolutely adorable. Marik replacing Tristan seems like a good idea, and I can't wait to see the Drake/Marik capers. lol. Did Mokuba make it on the boat ride to the DK? And of course, the details about Seto's thoughts and knowledge about Pegasus was a nice touch, as well as his concern for Mokuba. I forget if we talked about Shayla being in this or not. Though she's gone into hiding since it's Christmas time, and we all know what that means *broad grin* HOT COCOA SEASON!

Well, that awesome chapter was definately worth waiting for, though i hope i don't have to wait as long for the next one. I love this idea! My only comment for improvement (besides more updates) is to refer to the characters more directly than by what they wear or their phsyical features. it can be confusing if you do that too much.

You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! You updated! _
Drake Clawfang chapter 2 . 12/19/2004
Hi Ryumasa, me again. Good start on this one.
o.0 chapter 1 . 1/25/2004
Are you at least going to update this fic once a year, because it hasn't been updated since MARCH.
GearFried The Iron Angel chapter 1 . 12/19/2003
To the owner of this fic, (by my count that could be 1 of 5.)
I must say that this one of the most interesting role switching stories i've ever seen. I'd like to see it updated, when ever you get the chance.
By the way, I hate to point this out, but the Buster Blader was stronger than the Ulitmate Dragon. Seto was correct about there being 1 dragon on the field, a very powerful one. However, I have the Buster Blader and it's effect inside and out, it gains the attack power of the dragons in the grave as well. By using Polymerization, the 3 blue eyes were sent to the graveyard. That accounts to 4 dragons, 4 x 500 20, 20 2600 4600. Just one hundred more attack points than the dragon, And that is also why i think that card came into existance. The only monster out there with that kind of potentail. If you mad about this, you can roast me in the flames of your dragons over the mistakes I make in my own fics.
But still this fic needs to be updated and given some press to make it popular, and you'll have another masterpiece to really add to your collection.
You dabble in Dragons, I fight with warriors, But we both have a mutual respect for the dragon. It is a powerful creature, And I have quite a few my self, but where as you can probably create an incredible deck with them, I cannot. I keep my favs Tyrant and Luster (Jap Sapphire) out because allow they are powerful, My stratgetic mind follows the way of the blade and the shield, not the path of Scales and wings. Oh well, enough talking I better leave you to your works, as I must with mine. But first, I got break out of this Class room. See ya round.
Gema J. Gall chapter 1 . 11/8/2003
This is only the COOLEST fic ever written and it is not being updated! Why? Why? Why?

I love this fic...that means YOU have to UPDATE it.

(Don't take it personal, I am bugging all the stories on my favorites list which haven't been updated in the last three months.)

But that is no reason for you not to update!
Titanium Gold chapter 1 . 3/30/2003
(chuckles lightly) Dude, I'll just say this is good and get it overwith.

This is good. Me and my muses await the next chapter... and the Penguin Soldiers' arrival so's we can kick some butt. (grins evily)

Good luck, and ONE MORE THING.