Reviews for Backlash
Guest chapter 3 . 5/22
Love this!
argellastarkiller chapter 1 . 11/17/2018
this story gives me a sense of patriotism. to what and to who, exactly, i don't know. it just does, and it's the aura that the story gives me aside from other more obvious themes. strong words, strong actions, strong emotions.

this story is, as evaan put it, a thing of beauty.
HappyLibra1 chapter 3 . 9/30/2018
awwwww. they deserve that happy ending.
HappyLibra1 chapter 2 . 9/30/2018
Imma gonna give ya all some logic, Leia is not related to Darth Vader, because it was not Darth Vader that Padme slept with, it was Anakin Skywalker. Anakin and Darth Vader are two completely different people.
HappyLibra1 chapter 1 . 9/28/2018
these people need to sort out their priorities, who cares about Leia, why do you care what she does. People are so... so stubborn, "oh ya let's fallow a very famous person husband home, btw, he is a former smuggler and he knows when someone is following him." Proof that people are stupid. next, people will be flying drone, apartment to apartment, looking for Leia's house and stalking her sleep. SORT OUT YOUR PRIORITIES.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/30/2018
You are a master. Rereading these stories, I’m trying to articulate what makes them so powerful. Besides your writing (which is just lovely, especially the dialogue), your passion makes these stories compelling. Thank you.
engineerwenlock chapter 3 . 10/15/2017
Love it! Excellent work as usual.
It was a different dynamic politically that Identity, because of the planned nature of the announcement, which made it different that i expected. However everyone was in character.

Standout moments: the pamphlet, Leia's brilliant strategizing, Mara's role in the story, and Leia's conversation with her assistant. I particularly loved seeing Tavska, as a non human character, so well fleshed out.

I look forward to reading more in this story arc, and I'm interested to see how your version of the story pans out. I see no reason for Han and Leia in this story to name their son Ben.

Also, side note, I really look forward to Mara meeting everyone.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
My god this is tedious.
The-Solo-Smirk chapter 3 . 9/9/2017
I had a hunch that Leia would decide in favour of the real deal with Han. Glad this major issue is out of the way, it was quite the journey to arrive at this point!
YmaSolo chapter 3 . 9/1/2017
Very well handled. I loved how you dealt with both Leia and Han's emotions in this whole thing. Bravo
Shub20 chapter 1 . 9/3/2017
Thank you for sharing your work. I can't imagine how much time you must spend on your multi chapter stories. I love the Identity 'verse.
G8RnCLT chapter 3 . 9/3/2017
I had to hold off reading this until I had time to get through it in one setting and really digest it - and I'm so glad I did!

As wonderful as all your stories are I had a love/hate relationship with this one because I would get SO angry when I read the first 2 chapters...Which I feel is a big kudos to you for getting me so emotionally invested! :)

I loved how you wrapped this up and how you brought in all my favorite characters doing exactly what they should be doing - Lando, Mara! I loved the picture of Han kicked back in the snooty club watching Leia in the senate. I loved that he took a (valid) dig at Mon. I loved that we learned more about Tavska. And most of all I loved that she made a decision that she's comfortable with to move their relationship forward!

Thank you, thank you, thank you as always for sharing this universe, that I love so much, with us as readers - you are amazing!

PS. Can wait for the next/last installment!
Mako-clb chapter 3 . 9/3/2017
I just loved this chapter. I read it twice. There were so many amazing revelations, from Leia's decision on how to move forward with a family to Luke's conversation with Anakin/Vader.

The things that really stood out and made me think were Mon's comments, or more accurately, Han's reaction to Mon's comments, Lando's insight, and Mara's insecurity. And, all of it goes back to Leia and the amazing example she sets for everyone. Leia is like the anti-Vader, more like a better version of Anakin.

Mara talks about how Leia is a saint, how she lost everything fighting for freedom and for the larger galaxy when all Mara herself did was go with the flow. And, Lando echoed some of that when he told Han that Leia is an example that makes people want to be better. That's what she did for Han and Lando, and I think in some way that's what Mara is feeling. They all want to be more like Leia in terms of strength and heart. I especially loved Lando's thoughts that the galaxy sort of owed it to Leia to follow her example and be better people.

I think one of the reason's Han worships the ground Leia walks on, as Lando said, is because unlike so many others, he has see Leia's pain, her struggle, her more selfish nature (we all have it) and seen how she has worked to overcome it, at least in terms of not letting it take control or making her lose sight of her dedication to freedom and justice for all.

Now, on to Mon. I can see why Leia was hurt by Mon's silence and why Han felt she was being a coward. Certainly it makes sense that Mon was in hiding quite a lot. After Bail's death, she was the only founding member of the Rebellion left, and the Alliance couldn't afford to lose someone like that. On the other hand, Leia clearly had the skill and dedication to take up Bail's place and lead the Rebellion. Interesting that Leia was part of High Command, but ranked lower than several others, and I wonder about that now. But, I digress. The point is that Leia was a leader, but she lead with and instead of over the men and women of the Alliance. She was always as much one of them in action more than she was High Command. Leia lived with the consequences of her decisions as opposed to others living or not with the consequences. I think that is important, and I'm glad Han brought it up because some were worried that Leia was like Palpatine, creating a conflict and pulling the strings to take power, but if you look at it, Mon fits that bill better than Leia. I don't really think Mon is doing that, but an analysis of Palpatine and Mon certainly puts the Chief of State in closer association than Leia—sitting back making military decisions that cost countless lives without putting yourself in real danger all with the goal of overthrowing the current government and putting yourself in a position to be in charge. I know that's not how Han meant it, but I'm glad he called Mon out in his own way.

And, let me also give you a big thank you for taking the time to write this, not just this chapter or this story, but the entire Identity universe. It's amazing, well thought out, and it obviously takes a lot of time. Thanks for spending that time on us.
AtLoLevad chapter 3 . 9/2/2017
oh man! the perfect conclusion to backlash! i was truly excited to see a scene with luke and anakin. i think luke really needed that and it was a perfect companion to leia's scene with anakin in the naberries. i love mara and her relationships with luke, herself, leia, and han, even though she hasn't met them yet. i have a feeling that when leia and mara finally do meet it will be an excellent display of wit! leia's scene with tavska was deeply powerful and moving. you've really handled leia's sexual assault and the aftermath with a deft and sympathetic hand. everything is so well thought out and deliberate. also! so excited that leia is finally ready to have a baby with han! i can't wait for that, and to see that baby bring the organa-solo-naberrie family even closer! :)
AtLoLevad chapter 2 . 9/2/2017
i'm glad i saved this for a reward after my first week back at school. this chapter was just phenomenal. i love how you play with the different groupings of characters. bail, rouge, and ruwee was one of my favourites. i love how they're all working towards a place where they're comfortable with each other. leia and winter was another favorite. the easy switches in conversation between men and more serious topics were just so true to how i have conversations with my sister and friends. they're like real people, easily talking about multiple topics in one conversation. as always, i love the luke and leia scenes. those two, separately and together, are my favorite characters in the trilogy. han's been a total gem in this story! i love how they all recognise that he's angry, but he knows that his anger won't help leia. even though i knew the media focus after her verdict wouldn't be simple, i gasped when the reporter asked her about the death star! leia handled herself with grace under fire. i honestly read this story and i can see it all playing out. i can hear carrie and harrison and mark saying your words because they're so true to character. :)
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