Reviews for GO WILD
WormwoodSand chapter 36 . 9/16
Great chapter as always! I can't for the life of me think of something specific to say, but seeing updates from this fic always gets me hyped!
Kimaris chapter 36 . 9/15
Just caught up, definitely enjoying this. I can't help but see Phinks and Feitan as the annoying yet caring delinquent older brothers. I was originally shipping Safra with Machi since Machi was the only one who showed that she genuinely cared for her, and I thought her capable and rational personality would be interesting paired with Safra's volatile and chaotic personality. I'm not giving up just yet, but it seems like things are developing between her and Phinks. I didn't watch the movie so Omokage is new to me, but I really enjoy how creepy he is. The interactions with Ging are always fun as well. Also find her mental issues really interesting.
LinIsSleepy chapter 36 . 9/11
Yes, Yes, Yes. I'm so glad to see that you updated. Writing fatique is so real, but it did not show up in your work at all.

I may be way off base, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Safra's opponent had something to do with Odara? Phinks' comment about all he needing to do to take Safra was drug her stuck with me. I could also just see her being another Heaven's arena junkie. I'm at least convinced that Phinks is out looking for her necklace. :O

Speaking if Phinks, I thrive off his conversations with Safra. I WANT so badly to see his face when he learns her dad is the reason she was imprisoned for three years. Maybe he'll want to punch him himself. I'm soooo hyped to see how her confrontation with her dad will go! It's been building up this whole arc. But I doubt things will go as planned. I love this story so freaking much.
Choking. On. Marshmallows chapter 36 . 9/8
Her dad did what! Geez, deadbeat dad's are a theme in literally all shounen… Safra, don't be insecure, your perfect! (Holy fizz, you mentioned me?! I'm honored! [and undeserving, your majesty] You've made my day! Thank you!)
xSiriuslyPadfoot chapter 36 . 9/7
Wooooh! Great chapter! I’m so happy you updated! I looooove Phinks! I know I commented it before but I’m starting to ship Safra/Phinks Lol.
Bioyoshi chapter 36 . 9/7
Our mystery alley man has been revealed and of course it's Omokage doing some dumb guff, but along with all that he brings an interesting nugget of plot with a snake lying in the city to keep in mind for the future plot. And despite our snake having seemed like a much lesser threat is still intriguing to see how you will spin that plot thread in the future. Then we get a full resolution of the chapter culminating around Safra being done with the bull and actively breaking the rules of engagement to fight a fight way out of her paygrade. Then as a counterpoint we get brief glimpses of more building up to Safra's father and him clearly not being a genuine unapologetic little shit, and so seeing more of him and learning his character will be nice to see for the future. At the end of it all my take away from this chapter is that i really like having Safra be a go getter protagonist rather than a reactionary one, having her say "Fuck this" and just bowl over all the rules to challenge her father. The ability to actively seek out progress and desires despite not being rare is still refreshing as the bulk of protagonists just let the plot happen at them. Even though that kinda what happened with the Phantom Troupe to start off that really just life, shit happens and how you roll with it to make the most of a situation is life and i feel Safra really strove to exceed expectations across the board generally. Overall a solid chapter with nice fluff in the Phantom troupe being the Phantom troupe some more, plus some tidbits for the future both near and far off makes a solid chapter and im looking forward to more. chapter 36 . 9/7
I can’t explain how much I love Safra and the whole flawless writing! Guess Omokage is *finally* out of the picture?

I Shalnark and Franklin, the “they won’t steal you this time moment” was beautiful.

I love how Safra and Phinks are getting friendlier, seems opening up! And now we know how she awakened her Nen! Do I see things, or does Phinks respect in like an appreciative way Safra’s dad? (I thought I saw even a bit of jealousy, lmao)

I’m still preoccupied with Safra’s necklace. Did Phinks go to search for it, or am I completely wrong?

How Safra woke up broke my heart, the whole hospital thing makes her remember about her little brother and you wrote it so well!

And you wrote a bit more about Abiji Nha, I love those scenes!

Now she’s going to fight her dad, and I’m so proud!
I hope she cleans the floor with him, but something tells me that things won’t go like they are supposed to?

Well, anyway! I hope you, and your loved ones are in good health! Thank you so much for this awesome chapter!
xxANIES chapter 36 . 9/7
We’re back, we’re back! I’m thrilled to see an update for this story, and to see the plot progress. I’m super excited to see Safra fight her father (if they end up doing so, because who knows where the plot will take us next.) I honestly think you’ve done a really good job so far of hinting at future events while keeping the plot well-obscured, which is amazing.

On another note, I wonder if her “allergic reaction” to the neurotoxin will play a larger role later on? It seemed emphasized; perhaps it’ll play a vital role in Safra’s future? So hyped to see where this goes.

Unreliable narrators are one of my favorite aspects of works, and I appreciate how you’ve taken advantage of it this time around. You do so much plot progressing with it while keeping space for facets to tie into future scenes, and I love it.

I cannot stress how much I love Safra as a character. She’s imperfect in the best way possible; the room to grow is there. I can’t wait to see how she grows into her place as the eight member. I wonder where she’ll be at the time of the Kurta Massacre, hm. I have a stinking feeling that the cameo you were referencing but didn’t add is Hisoka...

Anyways, thanks for updating! Always remember that you can take all the time you need to update, we aren’t going to rush you. I hope you’ve been doing well this past month; stay safe! Thank you for responding to my previous responses, I enjoyed reading your comments and they really got me thinking. Can’t wait to see what’ll happen to Safra. Thanks again! 3
Bisque-Ware chapter 36 . 9/6
Yesss! I have been craving a new chapter especially hard the last couple days. I even checked the story half hoping that I had missed a notification. Great chapter btw. It is hilarious that she thinks she can go challenge her father when she can't stand up straight. So bullheaded, it's great lol. Also, Omokage is creepy as heeell and more than a little reminds me of Orochimaru. I agree btw, things are more interesting when plans go awry. And also, it may take less time. I wonder what the others will think about her idea. Thanks for your hard work as always!
Sayuri Tamano chapter 36 . 9/6
Me: *frantically waves hands* Oh Safra, please don't go challenging people when you still have neurotoxins in your system. That's a very very bad idea.

Safra: forget this- stupid poison, stupid arena I'M FIGHTING MY DAD


(Thank you so much for another wonderful chapter!)
Grizzmon chapter 28 . 8/12
Well, it kinda seems that she would go back to either taking her drugs or using that mental trick
Grizzmon chapter 26 . 8/12
Wow, Ging is truly an asshole.
Grizzmon chapter 25 . 8/12
So.. is her family dead?
Grizzmon chapter 24 . 8/12
Eh, whatever. So she needs to develop three Nen types to not be crazy?
Grizzmon chapter 23 . 8/12
Oh... so what type she is?
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