Reviews for The Boggart
SewingSlytherin chapter 1 . 9/18/2017
Oh. My. Goodness. That was brilliant.
Ardina Falconhurst chapter 1 . 9/5/2017
This was a really cool idea, and unique. I also agree with the other reviewers in that I wouldn't mind reading some more of this. But I'm fine if we only get a oneshot. Thanks for sharing it and keep up the great work!
Evilani chapter 1 . 8/28/2017
Wonderful story! It works as a one-shot but I would still like to read more.
CasaCan chapter 1 . 8/27/2017
I loved this so much! Would love to see this turned into a multi chapter fic too if you had any ideas to add more, but even as a stand alone it was really intense and fun to read
WizardingWhovian chapter 1 . 8/21/2017
This is great!
dramione chapter 1 . 8/21/2017
Interesting and terrifying at the same time
Guest chapter 1 . 8/21/2017
I only got halfway through but I just had to pause and write this down. I absolutely love the idea that Draco's Boggart would be Hermione. At first I was really confused that she of all people would appear instead of his father like he was expecting but then it got me to thinking. Maybe I'm just overthinking this but I can actually see it now. Hermione is basically the living proof that everything he's learned about 'pureblood superiority' is wrong and I think that could really scare him. Anyways I'm gonna get back to reading the rest of this. I just had to get my thoughts down.
Swangranger chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
oh my goshhh amazing chapter. I love it !So cool thanks for sharing this
Nika122 chapter 1 . 8/21/2017
The story line is just great. I would be happy, if you would decide to write more.
asiraphale chapter 1 . 8/21/2017
oh my oh my oh my please please please do update soon! i just refreshed the HP tag on here and then this was the most recent update! THIS IS SO GOOD YOU GOTTA CONTINUE OH MY DRAMIONE HEAR WILL SUPPORT YOU 3 3