Reviews for Ahsoka's ghost
NessaRoseFangirl chapter 2 . 6/26
Gosh! I both loved this and hated it! Like I loved it bevause it’s so well done, and beautiful, and fantastic, but i hate it because she’s dead, makes me so sad. Ugh, but it was so well done, like incredible one shot breaking all the way and putting it back together.
TragicFiction chapter 2 . 5/11
very well written.
you should write one where she becomes a knight and that maybe she is never expelled.
I have yet to see a story where she remains in the order and takes an apprentice later on. maybe even becomes a master
TragicFiction chapter 1 . 5/11
Well Done,Well Done,Well Done,
Very well written.
I enjoyed this chapter
Cranky Paws chapter 1 . 11/18/2017
You made me cry, I don't know why, but you made me cry.
Feanariel chapter 1 . 10/6/2017
Interesting concept, I like how Ahsoka was able to save Anakin from falling to the Dark Side.
skye dawn chapter 1 . 9/1/2017
I must agree, this is a great story. Speechless.. It's just wonderfully written.
AZ123bob chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
This was a really awesome story!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
This was fantastic! A suggestion could be when making the character speak use " at the beginning and at the end of the paragraph
Pink ranger 13 chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
It's a great story