Reviews for Evermore
TerrenceSweets chapter 50 . 5/3
I haven't written a review in, gosh, more than five years? Give or take? I just want to express my immense gratitude in having the opportunity to read such a fantastic story, and to inspire me to dive into World of Warcraft and loving every minute of it. I'm jumping straight into the next installment. Fantastic work, just fantastic.
Sithdoom chapter 50 . 1/10
I didnt exactly plan to review again until I finished Roses and Thorns, but excuse the language for a second, holy shit it actually happened.

Never did I think I would actually read Faith and Sylvanas getting married. I mean three rejections! Three!

What I fool I was to not keep reading as the chapters for Evermore where being pumped out!
Sithdoom chapter 38 . 1/10
Wellllll... its been a long two years and my love of warcraft died out with all the new lore, and so did my reading, but im back to where I left off and finally got to play Classic, which is probably what reinvigorated my love of warcraft.

Anazing chapter and work as always. My only complaint is that I dont see Academy of Azeroth getting updated!

I hope to see a different storyline than Blizzards when I do get caught up! Please dont have evil Sylvanas, please.

Ill write a real review when I get caught up fully.
pt1oef chapter 49 . 11/27/2019
You have great taste! This is certainly a bright idea! I sometimes want to write a happy Sylvanas story after reading yours. Your Faith makes everything bright. It's just romantic!
pt1oef chapter 48 . 11/17/2019
In a bad situation, it feels good to read your story again. You made a fantastic start! Did you consider them being bisexual? This is romantic! I like how Sylvanas request Carrick... Faith is awesome, too.
pt1oef chapter 47 . 11/16/2019
Faith is a caring person and does good details. Faith does make Sylvanas into a better person. After reading that particular scene, I do have questions around Sylvanas.

Wow, the ending is sudden and fantastic!
pt1oef chapter 46 . 11/16/2019
The start is romantic, and it quickly becomes challenging. Things are more meaningful when there are consequences. Things always get better when they come together.
pt1oef chapter 45 . 11/16/2019
This chapter is undoubtedly above average. Characters need to face limits to be realistic. Your Faith is well written. Your story is a great success and Faith is a good match with Sylvanas.
pt1oef chapter 44 . 11/15/2019
You wrote a fierce battle and its detailed consequence. You did great. Faith is doing good.
pt1oef chapter 43 . 11/14/2019
It's great to see them being together on the battlefield.
pt1oef chapter 42 . 10/31/2019
What a lovely couple, they certainly give people hope. This is what keep readers coming back.
pt1oef chapter 41 . 10/31/2019
It's simply good to return to a lovely story. A gentle Sylvanas is what we wish. I do hope Blizzard to do the right thing around Sylvanas. It is great to have writers like you. The past is simply better,
pt1oef chapter 40 . 2/20/2019
They avoided a disaster. This seems good.
pt1oef chapter 39 . 2/20/2019
A happy story certainly improved my mood. I'm grateful.
pt1oef chapter 38 . 2/20/2019
Simple story makes everything easier. This is good.
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