Reviews for The Mad Engineer
Guest chapter 11 . 7/4
I it took me so long to see it but i see it. just something with the magazine set it off. Deathstroke and his Daughter Ravager.
woodProtein chapter 16 . 6/28
Have to say, hate the mythiological stuff. Can't it be a big revenge massacre fest?
woodProtein chapter 2 . 6/28
Got to say, i hope that i finally found an si that's actively trying to destroy ninja. Hope this goes somewhere
marvelfanenthusiastic chapter 4 . 5/29
Bro I was wondering reading the previous 3 chapters why it has very little following and favourites.
Where the hell did he make those spy bees in a cave with just a forge?
Display, Wireless Sensor, Camera, Power Supply, Robotics, Processor, Computer for programming, Thermal sensor, UV Sensor and so much more, even Tony Stark can't do that without finished products like his own missiles.
On top of that with such advanced scientific knowledge and science, he can't master chakra, are you kidding me?
Planning to fight lighting fast ninja with normal human limits of reaction time, it's not even funny how suicidal he is even after knowing and facing chunin level ninja.
Your plot Armor is way to OP than the MC with advanced scientific knowledge who became mercenary without growing up.
This-Mickey-Seems-Iffy chapter 1 . 4/22
Mc is completely retarded. Seriously what's with people and bullshit giant nonsense? Also, newborns, I am pretty can't see shit or open their eyes.
Watermelonninja chapter 16 . 4/13
I expected to see pure science and guns killing of all of the shinobi bit it became very stale and uninteresting with all of this magic and seven bull
Watermelonninja chapter 15 . 4/13
This wyrm and stuff about seven is bullshit certainly. I certainly hope that seven dies in the next chapter
Watermelonninja chapter 14 . 4/13
Asking someone about who s/he is is stupid since we are who we are
pepejohn chapter 2 . 1/24
The grammar issues get in the way of the story sadly
1 love m4gic chapter 3 . 1/5
Im quite sure that even if he just uses his cahkra to enchance his senses and mucles, it would still grow more potent with each use. And honetly i find it foolish that he did not even loot those missing Nin when they could have had training scrolls...just imagine how OP would he be with full shinoby powers and OP tech. I cant wait for that to happen, i really hope he will use his cahkra more, or/and find a way for it to work in ways so his life can be extended or something.
poprockie chapter 16 . 11/19/2019
Dude just read this in one sitting before my classes began. I love this so, so freaking much. Sad to hear that your getting burnt out :/ I know how that feels. But I hope you get back in your groove soon and continue updating! This story is really great and one of a kind- I can't wait to read where it heads next.
nessiesmith2012 chapter 2 . 11/18/2019
6 yr old and being hand fed?
AysaWolf chapter 13 . 7/10/2019
I’m honestly so fûcking confused from that
Marie-S-Raven chapter 16 . 6/25/2019
This is turning out VERY interesting!
NazgulBelserion chapter 16 . 5/22/2019
Haha lol I laughed so hard he was oh mannnnn he gotta save kushina I really enjoy this seeing a different perspective on a SI when he was in that temple I was like i swear this fucker better not havd an alien colony or I'm done
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