Reviews for It Never Happened
Northwest.Ghost chapter 5 . 6/15
Amazing! Do you have any intend to keep this story? so we could follow.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/29
thank you for the update, please write more when you get a chance!
LeoH chapter 4 . 9/8/2019
''Carine's just a doctor, there's nothing special about her'' WOW, that caught me off guard lol
Things are not looking good in the Cullen residence, I hope you make more, this is interesting, thank you.
fazebaconneggs chapter 4 . 8/18/2019
Why didn't you continue its a good concept. And not alot of Beau and Edythe stories out there.
JustAPersonReading chapter 1 . 12/4/2018
I have a simple question. I read Life and Death and I loved it but wasn’t Beau a vampire already? Unless you are doing your own thing.
Visser2315 chapter 4 . 2/12/2018
Again, interesting setup for the diverging storyline. (I like how decision to pin the blame on Jessamine is kind of a throwback to how Bella acts in Eclipse [and Beau in a theoretical Eclipse Reimagined] in that even though he knows it's not right, he can't help but want to say whatever he has to get Edythe to stay.)

Curious to see how Edythe's conflict with her family will develop and how it'll eventually get resolved.

I'll be looking for the next update! C:
Visser2315 chapter 3 . 2/12/2018
Nice, interesting reading another version of the Carine-Beau conversation. I liked the discussion about Carine's muddled feelings about changing others—the idea that, normally she found her morals simple and the difficulty was just following through on them, but when it comes to changing Edythe and the others into vampires, she's still not sure if she did the right thing. (Don't remember it being put quite that way in the original.)

The references to Jules felt a bit odd. (His only real interactions with Jules to this point have been the vampire conversation on the beach and then possibly at Prom, so even if you are planning to use the man-point thing [lol], the joke wouldn't have been established yet.)

Anyway, liked how you began to set up for the point when the plot diverges from the original New Moon here. A growing rift in the family? Guess I better go check out the next chapter now. :3
Meganpass chapter 4 . 12/30/2017
I love it so far and can’t wait to read more, but I noticed an error. Since the story takes place in America, some British dialogue seemed out of place. In America, we don’t really use “mum” or “neat”(other than a synonym for organized) This was when Beau was opening Carine and Earnest’s gift. Otherwise I really love your story and will be impatiently waiting for the next chapter!
Shadowdog11 chapter 4 . 12/29/2017
Yess! Excited. That was great and can’t wait to see the deviation point. I was a bit surprised with Beau blaming Jessamine, but it fits his/Bella’s character fairly well. Hooray for actual teenage interaction! A snarky response after she lost control encouraging her to do that again would’ve been funny, but I think this fits the mood much better.
Shadowdog11 chapter 3 . 12/15/2017
Good stuff! I like the changes. Still within character, and I’m looking forward to the effects of her staying. I may have to find a similar story in vanilla Twilight
Shadowdog11 chapter 2 . 12/15/2017
Good stuff. I like the little changes
Andjac chapter 3 . 12/5/2017
This is really promising, I can't wait to read more.
darthv chapter 3 . 11/18/2017
awesome chapter, hope you update soon!
Visser2315 chapter 2 . 10/23/2017
Hey there! C: (Meant to get to this earlier, but September turned out to be a busy month, and then I was trying to get some momentum back actually getting some projects done. But, better late than never? x3)

Anyway, looking interesting so far. I like the flow of your style of writing, and little differences here and there were interesting to see, like the fact Jessamine really did actually manage to hurt Beau directly herself, unlike Bella/Jasper in the original. (I'm curious to see how that might factor into Edythe's response, if at all.)

Haha, I see what you're saying about the obvious 'Let's get any new audience caught up on what's going on' bits at the beginning of sequel books. I do think there are some books that do it very well (that is, make it entertaining and feel natural and actually hyped up for the rest of the book), but I noticed when I was rereading New Moon for the first time after reading Life and Death, I thought it did that in a somewhat awkward and clunky way. While I think they sometimes can be useful even in fanfiction, reading your version, I definitely didn't miss it.

A few minor things I'd point out—first, Archie's annoyance with the rain. Archie should have been able to predict if it would rain or not, so it wouldn't make sense that as it started to rain, he'd have to suddenly change plans. (I know, Archie's power messes me up a bit, too. If I ever write a book of my own, the first thing I'm going to do is make sure there aren't any characters who are psychic, they make things too complicated. x3) Second, it looks like you've already made some adjustments as far as cultural differences go from what a few other people have said—the only other one I noticed was Beau's use of the word 'mum.' (In the US, 'mom' is pretty much the universal word used instead.)

The last one is more just a technical side note. I noticed several times when the dialogue of one character is placed together with a description of what another character is doing or saying. (Such as, '”Well, it is my Birthday.” She grumbled something about the ancient Chevy's...', or, '"...for tomorrow," I interrupted him. Archie appeared mystified...') I'm not sure if it's actually an official rule of writing that a the dialogue actions of a characters always need to have a separate paragraph from other characters' dialogue/actions, but for the most part, I've found it a very good rule of thumb in order to avoid making exchanges like these confusing. (I usually try to mention that when I see it, since I used to do the same thing all the time [and probably still do sometimes without meaning to], but it's usually a pretty simple change that really improves clarity.)

Anyway, nice start. Like I said, I like the flow so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing how different things get when the story gets to the point it diverges from the original. Good luck, see you in the next one! C:
Guest chapter 2 . 9/16/2017
It was a nice chapter but I caught a few mistakes.
1. Archie has a shaved head, so he couldn't have perfectly groomed hair
2. You can't legally drink in the US until you're 21
3. Since Beau is from America he would never say canteen or lounge, he would say cafeteria and living room, he also wouldn't say things like "a touch embarrassed"
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