Reviews for Weekend With The Holmeses
Coldlittleheart chapter 16 . 8/14/2019
Loooved this story!
I actually love all your stories.
Becky chapter 1 . 12/28/2017
Hi, I love your stories. I was wondering whether you could do a fluff one where Molly’s pregnant-them being parents. Just cos I think it would be quite funny and interesting. Thank you x
AfilmFanatic chapter 8 . 12/28/2017
I am thoroughly enjoying this story. I would say so far...except this isn't my first time reading it. It is just so adorable I can't help but go back and reread it!
kaoruca chapter 16 . 12/10/2017
Thank you for your story. It has amused me immensely
kaoruca chapter 12 . 12/10/2017
I like it how Mycroft understands his brother. When he asks him why he minded his opinions. He doesn't have to convince Mycroft but himself.
kaoruca chapter 7 . 12/10/2017
Oh, indulging in sentiment! Gross.
kaoruca chapter 4 . 12/10/2017
Love this one. So funny and smutty. Thanks
TheNameOfARiver chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
If John is going to watch latest AVENGERS movie, bet He will drag Sherlock to watch Doctor Strange!
MissyH316 chapter 16 . 10/22/2017
Good show ...and lucky Molly! I just wish *I* could have a 'Sherlock' of my own in a mutually loving relationship... *Sigh*
MissyH316 chapter 9 . 10/22/2017
Well, I liked how Lady C. sorta called Sherlock's bluff by putting him on the defensive as she did! And I'd bet Sherlock's protectiveness of Molly wasn't just an act, either. But our boy's really in for it when Molly gets him alone; he probably won't know what hit him! Lol! ;-D
MissyH316 chapter 8 . 10/22/2017
Oh, I'm pretty sure Lady Catherine is a shrewd old biddy, but having S&M sharing a bedroom in her posh and proper home to "test" them? Maybe a tad of dementia is sinking in, poor thing! Or ...maybe the Lady is remembering that she was young once and had sowed a few wild oats of her own back in the day! ;-)
MissyH316 chapter 7 . 10/22/2017
"I can just imagine Mycroft's face…can't you? It would be a cross between him sucking on a lemon and chewing on a wasp." Lolol! What a visual that is - and yes, I CAN picture Mycroft's sourpuss face! Ah, dear authoress, you do SO have a way with words. :-D
MissyH316 chapter 5 . 10/22/2017
I predict we might have a few fireworks a-comin'? Lol!
MissyH316 chapter 3 . 10/22/2017
Well, if *I'd* been sitting with "Sherlock", I either probably never noticed that "Dr. Strange" character or if I did, I'd have asked Sherlock if he had a twin. Oh, you're a tease, dear authoress! And I'm if *I* were given permission to ravish Sherlock's body, I'd probably hope I'd be strong enough to run away as just "for tonight" could NEVER be enough, and would only leave me in unending agony wanting SO much more but with no love coming from him. :'-(
MissyH316 chapter 2 . 10/22/2017
"Johntent" ...that's clever - I like it! :) Been awhile since I've delved into some good Sherlolly; actually it generally depresses me knowing that I'll probably never get to meet Ben, let alone kiss him! Ah, but at least I can dream. ;-) 3
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