Reviews for Apathy
Voulve chapter 3 . 8/28/2019
Meh. it's really sad how Fugaku changed from the flashback Minato had at the beginning of the chapter - and I really like it how Minato defends Kakashi, cauz Kakashi really doesn't deserve this deep ire of the Uchiha clan.
I kinda understand where Miktot comes from with Minato being careful what he says to Fugaku and in my opinion he does it really great, but he also can't let hiself get pushed around, because as he already made clear he is the leader of the village.
Wahh, it's sweet how Takara hugs Sasuke and also how Itachi apologizes to Kakashi in behalf of his clan _
Good that Kushina saved Kakashi, that was getting really unbearable. I do understand their reasoning, no clan would be happy to have their kekkei genkai given to an outsider but they don't even try to understand his point of view, they seems to be able to only see what they want to see :(
Guest chapter 2 . 8/24/2019
So~, where does the apathy come in, cause I see none. False advertising.
Voulve chapter 2 . 8/23/2019
I like Takara, I find really cool that she chasing her goal so deterministic and Hinata gets her first friend, yay!
Wooow, okay, Sakura you are seven years old how can you get such an dep obseession about love at this young age?! o.O
And Fugakus way of thinking is really screwed, so Sasuke is not worthy of being your son? Don't you think ti'd be rather you are not worthy of being the parent to such sweet boy? I also really admire Mikoto that she stands up to her husband for her sons.
That's not a good omen that Orochimaru is looking for another way to reach his immortality. Especially because he had his eyes set on a Uchiha - I don't think it won't take long until he sets his eyes on Sasuke as in the original anime.
Apropos I wonder if the attack of the Kyyubi ever happened in this story and if not why it didn't happened and who is in the possesion of the nine-tailed fox...
Voulve chapter 1 . 8/23/2019
Wow, Fugakus parenting skills suck bad, like really really bad ô.Ô Ans as it seems also his husband and friend skills...what he is doing to both his children even his wife, isn't alright, he is destroying them bit by bit becuase of his egoism and arrogance and obsession regarding Itachi.
At least Minato and Kushina are greast parents and I love the firendship between Sasuke and Naruto, ist so heartwarming _
And even if I am a girl I also will never udnerstand the minds of ffangirls and I totally stand on the side of Naruto and Sasuke - Sakura got herself into this mess and Ino with her brash mouth didn't help in the slightest -.- Hopefully the girls will leave Naruto alone.
I fear what will happen that Sasuke will totally give up on his father _'
PrinceOfUchiha chapter 17 . 8/22/2019
I loved this chapter so muchSasuke finally getting to face off against his father was amazing. Usually I don't care for fight scenes in general but that was great. I loved the dialogue for it, it really showed how much Fugaku truly wanted to harm Sasuke and how Sasuke was finally admitting the painful truth.

I'm pretty worried about oddball, I hope she makes a good recovery. As for Naruto I'm sure he'll be thrilled to have Sasuke staying with them. Hopefully the village doesn't fall into a fit when they hear about the nine tails. Kakashi must feel pretty bad about this all. I hope he's alright in the long run.

I'm really excited to see Sasuke in the Uzumaki household. He deserves to be around a nice male adult who genuinly cares about him. He has Itachi, but I feel like that's a bit different. I hope he feels safer with them. I just worry Fugaku might take this out on Itachi or Mikoto. I hope they're alright.

I loved the chapter a lot, and I can't wait to see your next update when it's ready. Your story is always well worth the wait. I love your long chapters, they give the story a nice binge feeling. Best of luck
Ita1412 chapter 16 . 7/2/2019
I finally finished every chapter. It was captivating enough, that I jus couldn't write a review to every chapter. So I hope I can make it up now.

Every Arc was fantastic. The Academy Days to the graduation and the trial in between. it was surprising to read so much about the press. But just like the academy it is an intresting and new aproach. So I like that.
On another note I have to say the Elders of the Uchiha are sympathic. I can finaly understand them. They want to preserve the peace and stand against Fugaku. Hopefully they find a way to stop Fugaku without the backlash of the blackmail from Chiba. Itachis work as a spy is in this, too. I haven't seen that one coming. But it is nice that he doesn't have to decide between his clan and Konoha. This time he can potect both. At least I hope he can do this.

Orochimarus involvement is logical and absolutly in character. I think it is really fitting. Narutos dreams are a bit scary. Poor kid. Now he is poisend, too. His team is under attack and he can't do a thing. Thank the Hokage that Itachi is there, too. Although Fugaku betrayed his village. To hide such important information is treason.

As last note. I love this story. Thank you for writing it.
Ita1412 chapter 3 . 6/29/2019
Finally this girls are expelled. I think that was long overdue. Poor Takara had to take all this bitching for so long. Now that comes to an end. Thank goodness Ino changed. She finally sees her mistakes as such. So now she can make ammends.

I am a little worried for the uchihas. What happend with Shisui? Did Danzo attacked him in this story, too?

Maybe I get the answers in the next chapter. This one was really good.
Ita1412 chapter 2 . 6/29/2019
Just finished the second chapter. I like it very much. You found a way to get Orochimarus attempt on Itachi in the plot. Although this plot is so diffrent from cannon. I like the new OC. Takara is a sweet girl and a goddd friend for Naruto and Hinata. Hopefully she can befriend Sasuke, too.
Bird is funny and seems to fit perfectly in this Anbu-Team. I hope Itachi can find friend in this team.
Can't wait to read mor. Fortunately I can just jump to the next chapter.
Ita1412 chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
Wow, I just finished this chapter and I am impressed. The way the characers interact and the glances in each personality makes this story fascinating.
The part I think was the most impressiv was Iruka calling Sakura out for her behaviour. His speech about the way of ninja life was captivating. In my opinnion something like that was missing in cannon. We all saw how the Genin startet. Sakura an obsessed fangirl with little to no combat skils, Shikamaru to lazy to even bother, Ino obsessed with fangirling and gossip to consider clan training and so on. Every one of them first started taking the ninja life seriously after a problematic mission. If they would have got this lecture in cannon I think they would have taken more effort into their ninjaway and the teaching at the academy.
But back to your chapter. I was never a fan of fugaku and I really hope Kushina and Minato can help. Both Uchiha brothers need help. After this I will keep reading ;)
PrinceOfUchiha chapter 16 . 6/5/2019
Holy Crap I had no idea this story was still goingI love this story so much and I nearly jumped out of my skin reading the notification for it
mugu chapter 1 . 5/4/2019
I like it but it's really hard to read. I mean, the themes behind the story are rough to digest. I was surprised at the Academy's reforms (for the girls being able to love girls and boys being able to love boys), as Naruto's word is supposed to be rather misogynist and traditional, but I guess Minato being alive can be a better timeline and therefore can enable some progress in Konoha social structure I guess. Your writing style is very lengthy and you don't hesitate to swap point of view a lot. At times, it's effective and breathes life into characters but most times, it becomes redundant in terms of storytelling. And it makes the story a bit hard to follow as you switch point of view a lot. The huge format of chapters do not help as it's rather long to read, and as you cannot put markers to see where you were left in your reading, you have to read it in one go, which makes a painful slog to scroll down all the page. Though, as I'm interested by your story so I'll continue reading it despite the flaws I mentioned above as the themes you bring is a rather rare sight in this fandom (and I'm a sucker for stories where Minato and Kushina are alive).
Utopia Empire chapter 5 . 7/25/2018
i think this story deserves more feedback. really.
Despite your tendency to overwrite, I think this is a good story because the universe is nice, the story although cliche was nice. I read a story whose review was almost 9k but stopped at 30k words. I just can't stomach it. Yours was only given less than twenty reviews but I enjoy it so far (100k beyond).
Guest chapter 8 . 6/24/2018
Please update it’s been forever and I really love this story
Pat123 chapter 8 . 5/24/2018
I was so amazing I can't wait for the next update
Novirp13 chapter 4 . 2/22/2018
I think Fugaku also need a psychiatrist, just like Sakura :/
Man he pissed me off
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