Reviews for Hermione Granger and The Legend of Ynys yr Enaid Bendigedig
fudgefight chapter 21 . 11/22/2019
My god I wish this was finished I absolutely love this you're so talented and I love the plot.
heavyneos chapter 14 . 4/25/2019
Bendigeidfran did not lose to the Irish he defeated the Irish killed every man in Ulster after taking a grievous wound to the leg he asked that he be decapitated and his head sent to London to ward off invaders from the continent
Ranger chapter 21 . 1/8/2018
This Hermione is the biggest Mary Sue I've ever seen. Holy Out of Character everything and everyone.
MWolfe13 chapter 21 . 1/7/2018
I was so waiting for this chapter! I really hope Harry isn’t an ass about this. It wasn’t easy for her, and she saved him a considerable amount of bad times in the future. Countless lives are now saved no doubt. Hopefully the Ministry and the Order will work diligently in making sure things are truly over.
JuliSt chapter 21 . 1/6/2018
That seemed to go over well with Dumbledore. He has an understanding of Voldemort and his want of immortality, and also knowledge of these specific legends. Hermione is a true hero, and as Dumbledore said, touched by the Gods. I'm really curious about the coin from Branwen and what it means for Hermione. Too bad that Hermione doesn't think the news will go down well with Harry, he should get down on his knees and praise her, lol.
JuliSt chapter 20 . 12/23/2017
Oh gosh, poor Hermione is such a worrier. I would be dancing around with joy after killing Voldemort and his pet snake, no feelings of guilt from me, lol. Then she's worried about being put in Azkaban after killing that horrible murderer in self-defense, hmm the wizarding world can be stupid though, but still it's Voldemort and she saved Narcissa Malfoy's life. Branwen popping back up and letting Hermione know she's not finished yet, poor girl. I can't wait to see what that coin's all about. Poor Draco and his ego, lol. He was quite a help, but Hermione killed Voldemort, killed Nagini, and saved Narcissa's life... she's a little ahead of him in the accomplishing things department :D
MWolfe13 chapter 19 . 12/21/2017
Great chapter! I'm curious as to what the words Hermione sang mean. Is Voldemort truly dead, or will his Horcruxes come into play? Can't wait to see what is waiting for them back home. To think, the man's downfall was, once again, something he sought to make him immortal.
JuliSt chapter 19 . 12/21/2017
Hermione is a hero :) With help from Draco too. Chatty Voldemort finally has been shut up, lol. Nagini was stabbed quite nicely. Love that it was Hermione who ended him, hopefully for good. Branwen helping Hermione save Narcissa was so exciting. Looks like Draco and Narcissa have plenty of thanks owed to Hermione :) Really excited to see what happens next, this chapter was so satisfying!
MWolfe13 chapter 18 . 12/19/2017
Alright Hermione, when exactly is the right time?
flustered beauty chapter 18 . 12/14/2017
Oh my word! What are you doing to me? What a cliffhanger...
Desimama123 chapter 18 . 12/14/2017
JuliSt chapter 18 . 12/13/2017
Oh my... What a cliffhanger! Voldemort sure likes to talk and talk and talk, lol. True to his character in the books too. Poor Draco :( He really did try and defend his mother and didn't back away. Hermione's dreams are playing out and I can't wait to see what happens next. Hopefully she'll know what to do to save Narcissa after all and Draco. Would be cool if she's the one who defeats Voldemort and not Harry :)
flustered beauty chapter 17 . 12/12/2017
Wow, this was such a good chapter! This story may have started a little slow but you are seriously making up for it now. I loved Afan, especially how he was with Draco. It's good for him to be knocked down a peg or two, lol. The boat ride was really exciting and I loved your descriptions. And the lady of the lake. What can I say; I love how you are weaving togther all of these myths to build the story. I say it every time but I cannot wait for the next chapter.
flustered beauty chapter 16 . 12/12/2017
Draco and Hermione are really beginning to complement each other. I love this journey they are taking, its very exciting. Gwern's resting place was very sad but it did serve as another clue to push them forward. I loved the strange little man. I can't wait to read what happens next.
JuliSt chapter 17 . 12/9/2017
Another great chapter! This story is so entertaining and well-written, I'm enjoying it so much :) The title of the chapter really excited me, I love how you are weaving these legends together. Draco continues to amuse me with his behavior, he's such a brat, but then I feel sorry for him because of his mother. That boat ride would be neat ride in an amusement park :D Draco getting knocked into the water cracked me up, dog pedaling and all, lol. The scene with Branwen was so cool, and a golden sword too :) Can't wait to see what happens next on their boat trip!
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