Reviews for Blind Date
Guest chapter 3 . 7/22
I've red and was-still- rereading it for 3 years and I can't help but to be amused by the excellent details. And the good ordering of actions and the tap of timing . omg it's so good .
I really want it to be continued soon please. 'Cause this story is so feeding my mind when I imagine it
Hot4Sas chapter 3 . 6/25
“Did you want some?"
"Yes, because I hope to make out with you some more tonight."

I love them verbalizing their desire, their attraction? I love gentleman Sasuke! With the bag, in Chapter 1 with the door but also with... Everything? Even though he's been quite forward, he doesn't insist or crosses Naruto's boundaries. I really love Naruto getting surprised and losing his train of thoughts when Sasuke does something like taking his hand. And that he can't help being all happy about it. And that he got jealous! AND that Sasuke notices hahaha. Loved that Sasuke thought of Naruto when he brought up having a sugar daddy! Ugh again, I repeated this a million times in Avenger-sama, but LOVELOVELOVE seductive Sasuke...

"You can trust me." Sasuke smiled at him, and Naruto's heart fluttered in an unmanly fashion.
"You never said," Naruto murmured. "What's somethin' we can do that you haven't done?"
"Well," Sasuke smirked. "You, for one."
Naruto rolled his eyes. "Very funny."
"It's off the table?"
"...It's," Naruto licked his lips. "Not completely off the table. So far you've been well behaved. What makes you think I'd be willin' to bottom for you anyway?"
"Hmm. Are we going to have this conversation now?" Sasuke asked.
"I'm pretty sure you're a top," he said.
"I've been known to switch."
Naruto grinned widely. "Me, too."
"Then we shouldn't have a problem working something out."
LOVED THIS. Loved Sasuke asking, and funny how Naruto makes the "bottom for him" comment when HE was the one imagining himself underneath Sasuke? Xd

AND THIS: "Maybe Sasuke didn't believe in fireworks, but they were certainly going off all around Naruto's head right now." Ugh yeah…

LOVED Naruto taking Sasuke to the shop and kinda "testing him". Loved Sasuke's reaction; disturbed, glaring and accusing Naruto of flirting and then walking off on his own. Oh and saying that these kinds of things are unnecessary if you know how to do it. Ha! I'm glad Naruto stood his ground. Loved Sasuke finally saying DATE without cringing! Admitting he didn't want it to end. Oh and LOVE that Naruto, even though no expert apparently, has a kinky BDMS side and would be willing to try stuff with Sasuke (and Sasuke with him). It... requires a lot of trust. So I don’t think they’re just considering it because they (might) like it, but because they trust each other with it. Or maybe I’m reading too much into it and it’s wishful thinking haha.

Overall... I just loved how the sexual tension calmed down (just a teeny-weeny) bit as their date kept going. It was really, really evident in Chapter 1 for instance (and I don't mind it one bit), but then I felt them a bit more relaxed... I could feel that in both, but especially in Naruto and his train of thought. More at ease, and their compatibility really showed after getting to know each other more. I love how Naruto was thinking almost longterm at the beginning, but then he freaked out by their intimacy and how close they felt, probably. Like afraid to lose something he didn't even have yet. Or to go through the pain again...

It EXHAUSTS me when Naruto talks about his job (a family member is a nurse so yeah), and even saddens me a little if (WHEN) they ever keep on going out and eventually even dated. I can't even imagine them fooling around (though I really want them to, and just imagine how hot and sexy it will be makes me wanna die) because even though he says he’s fine, Naruto must be really tired after his 12-hours shift!

I loved thiiiis so good the best date ever. Now I REALLY want to know how their date goes! Oh and figuring out Sasuke's reason for going on a blind date!
Loved it Raz. I really enjoyed it (:
Hot4Sas chapter 2 . 6/25
Their conversation… It was hard to stop reading so that I could take some notes, haha. How Naruto keeps thinking longterm... How different they are. But they complement each other nicely, in my opinion. And it’s even funny that, generally speaking, I would think that someone "like Naruto" would be spontaneous, and "someone like Sasuke" more concrete... but they are reversed. Loved this. Haha I loved that Naruto couldn't hide his enthusiasm for a second date. Ugh again, the whole conversation... when Sasuke gets defensive... Naruto's musings about him wanting a relationship and all it entails... THEM TALKING ABOUT THE BLOWJOB NIGHT. It's all so perfect... Loved the whole paragraph after their kiss (and with THEIR EYES OPEN) where Naruto thinks A LOT about being himself or not so he won't scare Sasuke away, wondering about Sasuke, who's a mystery, and how he's not his type cause he's a new type of person altogether (and this is scary). Even though because of this he clearly wasn't feeling his best, I like Naruto being scared. Like, they are nothing, are barely getting to know each other but it feels so right and fun that what if something goes wrong... Is it even worth trying? I loved Sasuke not freaking out after Naruto confessed he was liking him a whole lot (and he felt TERROR when Sasuke stopped walking) and LOVED THE ENDING:
"Which means neither of us gets the chance to run away", almost as if reassuring Naruto he's not freaked out.
Hot4Sas chapter 1 . 6/25
Okay, when I noticed THIS was the next fic that I had to review (I read them twice before reviewing), I got turned on immediately ahahah. That's how much I loved their date (so far at least?!). This was so sexy... Just how I would imagine a date between two men would go... sort of. I mean I’ve never imagined this scenario, but it seemed so... masculine and effortless in a way. Very adventurous; not staying in one place, trying new things, being spontaneous. But yeah, it was sexy. EVERYTHING. Their conversations and reactions, so in tune with each other.

Just the first couple paragraphs got me all nervous waiting for Sasuke. Things I LOVED: Naruto's reaction upon seeing Sasuke; their first encounter! LMAO! I can't believe it hahaha; Naruto thinking that he was with his mouth hung open AGAIN, like the “first time” they saw each other; SASSY SASUKE I also like subtle, masculine and sexy men!; Love love love seeing things from Naruto's perspective, how observant he is of Sasuke, what he does/how he reacts; I enjoyed Naruto's mind a lot... seeing Sasuke from his perspective, too. This part: "Naruto searched him again, both thrilled and disappointed by his words" when Sasuke told him what he wanted. YES, the chemistry... it amazes me how you can make it so palpable. I felt it the whole time. Drove me crazy! THE PRIZE, THE KISS... loved it. "gazing at him like some lovesick schoolboy" this made me laugh so hard. I loved this paragraph (of course, the kinkiest one):

"Almost affectionately, Naruto brushed his cheek to Sasuke's. His fingers tracked an upward path alongside Sasuke's spine. With every muscle he skimmed or touched, his mind wandered to thoughts of Sasuke naked, over him in bed, and thrusting into him so hard it wrecked the plaster of the wall, made neighbors complain, and forced the cops to knock down the apartment door. Yet, they'd still be fucking like they were starved for it. That's the kind of sex he imagined with Sasuke. Fucking while the whole world burned down around them."
Had to read it like three times.

I loved the whole thing, the whole chapter. Naruto and Sasuke, such a good combination, both so interesting and sexy ugh. I loved the ending too, like Naruto thinking there’s NO WAY Sasuke wasn't enjoying himself (and attracted to Naruto). I love how straightforward they both were, and how easy Naruto is to read (well, obviously the fact that he’s hot for Sasuke, but also that he was hoping for more, even if that's a second date). Everything was sexy sexy sexy and love "watching" (reading) them while on their date. Like a voyeur.
Blys Tanner chapter 2 . 4/9
Sasuke's cheeks were flushed, and he glanced away from him.

Naruto tugged on his jacket sleeve. "What's up?"

Sasuke looked his way again, leaning in so close it almost startled him. "I want to kiss you. I'm trying to stop myself."

"Why?" He grinned. "I know you're not shy when it comes to that kinda thing."

"Do you want me to?" Sasuke asked, still staring at him with those bedroom eyes.

Full on goosebumps. This fic gives me feels whiplash. They have great chemistry and then there are some nerves and then they're silly and cute but then there's snipping. And then they're cute again. It is nearly 4 am and i should be sleeping but i'm gonna read the mext chapter and hate myself later
Blys Tanner chapter 1 . 4/9
"What I want is to kiss you," Sasuke answered. "I want to take you to bed, and properly this time. Give back what you gave to me, but…"

This straight up gave me chills. I feel like a read this at some point, perhaps a few years ago. Maybe on y!gal. But as usual i am hooked..their chemistry is off the fucking charts.
sasufan11 chapter 1 . 12/26/2019
Love it
Uchimaki96 chapter 3 . 11/18/2019
Please finish this, im in love with this story!
Diana Stewart chapter 3 . 9/16/2019
That's such a great chapter for a great story. I like how sasuke is so forwarded. They're together are so cute and lovely. Other chapter soon?
Oceanriversea chapter 1 . 9/9/2019
this is very calming and soothing to read. i hope that there is another part. love the way you write. love love love. i think its my third time reading it. love it
jorichan chapter 3 . 8/24/2019
I don't really know why but I keep coming back to this story, hoping there will be a new chapter. It has been so long, still I am hoping...
hakusbitch chapter 3 . 8/16/2019
the banter of these two are hilarious, i hope it gets finished one day :) great writing as always
Guest chapter 3 . 8/5/2019
Hey Rasengan22! I love this story! Please don’t leave it without an end! Thank you so much for everything you’ve writed.
BigRedEnergy chapter 3 . 5/27/2019
I love all of this so much. the banter, the tension, the backstory. please continue writing and finish this
java Martin chapter 3 . 5/10/2019
I'm looking forward to the next chapters, ~ this fiction is so amazing
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