Reviews for Mr and Mrs Malfoy
Stephanie O chapter 3 . 12/25/2019
Fun ending to the story! I'm glad they put their extensive skills to work fow/with each other!
Stephanie O chapter 2 . 12/25/2019
I'm glad they got past their anger for each other and gave up their evenly matched duelling! I wonder what those goons from the ministry are after them for?
Stephanie O chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
This is a take on Mr& Mrs Smith, I'm guessing...though why they would point their wands at their spouse is beyond me.
AnayansinA chapter 3 . 12/1/2019
Really good!
MykEsprit chapter 3 . 10/24/2018
Oooh, loved that plot twist! Another fantastic story! Thanks for sharing!
MykEsprit chapter 2 . 10/24/2018
Ok, the grenade bit made me laugh SO HARD! And their banter—so cute!
MykEsprit chapter 1 . 10/24/2018
Ohmygawd! First off, I love the tone of this fic! I appreciate your quick, dry humor, and there were MANY passages that had me laughing out loud! I loved the parallelism in the beginning, too, I thought that was very clever! And yay for the P&P references!
mcal chapter 3 . 10/23/2018
Fading fast here girl, this will be a shorter one, sorry.

The falling action was brilliant and this...I JUST DEEPLY LOVED THIS! “Harry opened the door, a wailing baby on his arm and a crying toddler on his hand, and smiled at them.
"You're late."
"We had some important…things to finish before we could come here," Draco paraphrased casually. Taking in the slight disarray of Hermione's dress and Draco's hair, Harry deduced correctly what things they had been up to. In fact, Hermione remembered suddenly: they had been so caught up in the passion of the moment that they forgot to cast a contraceptive charm. Strangely, when Draco handed the still crying Albus one of his monogrammed handkerchiefs with only a modicum of open disgust, she found that, for the first time, she didn't panic.
They were Mister and Missus Malfoy, after all.”

And what a fun story! Thank you so for sharing it with us!
mcal chapter 2 . 10/23/2018
Eep eep eeeeeeeepppppp! I love this in the opening paragraph! “Adapting a duelling stance, both simultaneously yelled, "Stupefy!" Considering they were both professional assassins, it was a warm spells collided and bounced against the wall, the force of it causing the chandelier to shake violently. Both ducked away, Draco also closing down the Floo with a flourish of his wand. He couldn't risk her escaping him without having a decent 'chat'.”—gods Draco :)

BRILLIANT! “Accio rug!" Draco's head banged on the floor with a satisfying sound after she pulled the expensive Persian rug from beneath him.”

Yessssssss! Draco’s getting turned oooonnnnnnn! “Her hair had left its half-order, bouncing wildly around her face, her brown eyes gleaming dangerously. Draco hadn't seen her so alive in years.”

OUCH! “With a swing of his legs, he gained momentum, hooked one foot at Hermione's ankle and pulled.”

Gosh, I’m enjoying this! “Lithe like a panther - or rather a lioness - the witch left and made a dash for the stairs. She blew up one or two antique vases on her way, just because she could.” —brilliant, every word!

I feel like I should be laughing...but girl. I really am! “OK. Five. Four," he counted, the finger almost on the button. "Any last words?"
"Blaise has a nice arse. And I love Theo's eyes."

Wellllll, that cat it outta the bag! “"Arse was the password for the deactivation. Additional voice control. Very handy. And exactly the reason why muggle devices are so very useful in our job. Harry is of the same opinion, I might add."—bet that’s not gonna go down well...

Oooooooooo, I love this part: “That's why you couldn't resist me; you're getting off on the darkness in me!"
He might have a point there, not that she'd admit it. Despite what the public assumed about her, she was a Gryffindor with more than just a few darker streaks, but people tended to oversee that her superior intelligence sometimes meant being downright vicious as long as it got her where she wanted. And yes, this underlying power was one of the traits she found attractive in Draco - until she found out he was as dangerous as a pygmy puff...” I really do!

YESSSSSS! Squealing! “Before she could speak another magic evoking word, he stepped forward, slung one arm around her waist and cupped her neck with the other. And then, he pressed his lips on hers.”

(In the midst of this...I’m giggling here: “Ever the professional, he kept the unoccupied hand on the other foot - for security reasons. One well-aimed kick against his temple could be detrimental for one's health.”)

I don’t know why, but I just loved something about this here: “To keep a modicum of control, Draco gripped her hips with a fervor that would certainly leave bruises - but what was one more? - and eased her into movement.”

I FREAKING LOVE THIS HERE! “Suddenly, the absurdity of it all crashed on Hermione, and she started to giggle. What started as breathless chuckle quickly turned into fully blown laughter. The brunette laughed so hard that Draco lowered her on the mattress. Observing his wife, the woman he loved so unhinged, he couldn't help but join. Together they lay on their backs in their marriage bed, totally starkers, and laughed until they had tears in their eyes.”—I love all this says a little their relationship :))) they’re breaking down and talking and yesyesyesyes...

THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! “Then, they started to talk. Really talk.” And then this! “The sun set, the bedroom was bathed in moonlight, the sun rose again, and Hermione and Draco were still in the bedroom, their chatting only interrupted by numerous rounds of shagging, hastily prepared snacks, and some naps.
They hadn't felt this free in years.”—hnnnnhhhhh. Love. So much love!

And then thiiiiisssssssss...”To sum it up, it was a wholly pleasant and delighting start into the day in the life of Mister and Missus Malfoy.”—loveeeeeee

The way you write scenes, it’s like I’m watching it through your eyes, or right through the characters. I love the internal monologues you sprinkle around everywhere, if just adds to :)
mcal chapter 1 . 10/23/2018
Apologies! I really thought I’d stalked through all your fics by now...well. I’m going to binge read...if you’ll excuse me...

“casually removing the bloodstains...”— yess. You have me captivated here. From the beginning. Let the wild ride begin!

And i freaking love how the nonchalant attitude of “a messy assignment” just continues. And she’s more upset she’s late! Oh, it’s so BA Hermione and I love it!

Annnnndd it just gets better and better! “The perfect cover for her double life, even if her outfit was constantly frowned upon in her husband's elitist circles.
She smirked every damn time she saw one of them through her scope.”—LOVE IT!

THIS! “Walking through the front garden, he checked that his priceless Italian dragonhide shoes were free of blood stains thanks to the added Repelling Charms he had imbedded in them.”— my gods, they’re absolutely perfect for each other...

Awwww, I’m excited to see the spice come back into their lives and marriage. And I love that Harry knows about Hermione! XD

I’m kinda hurting here... “Putting her work first was what had ended her relationship with Ron, and she started to think it would end that with Draco, too.”—DONT LET IT HERMIONE! Don’tttttttttt!

Hahahaha! Oh, I laughed here! “Hermione had no other option than to grab the baby before it kicked her into the face.
"Why?" she asked back, holding the toothless nappy destroyer at arms length. Merlin, but she had defused bombs with less hazardous potential - and less fear in her veins.”

I’m giggling here, it’s just such a Draco thought! “Harry nodded, causing his glasses to slide down his nose. Did he make so few galleons that he couldn't even afford new glasses?”—excellent EVEN BETTER! “He was a respectable assassin, not a nappy-changing Hufflepuff!”

YESSSSSS! “The same day your reservation came in, not even an hour later, we had a reservation from a gentleman named William Darcy. Isn't that a strange coincidence?"—my guess is it’s Draco!

OH MY YAYAYAYA! It beings! “Draco? What-" Her insides turned cold.
"Hermione?" The smirk disappeared. "I thought you were on a book restoration conference in Paris!"

on to the next chapter! :) thank you for sharing with us...
Akorah chapter 3 . 7/26/2018
That was adorable. I'm not sure I've ever used that phrase in reference to assassins before.
midnight000shadow chapter 3 . 6/25/2018
Cute ending

Thanks for sharing
midnight000shadow chapter 2 . 6/25/2018
Haha how fun!

Thanks for sharing
midnight000shadow chapter 1 . 6/25/2018
LOL this is a fun prompt

Thanks for sharing
Cindyrainyday chapter 3 . 3/23/2018
Wonderful! The plot of movie mixed perfectly with our beloved couple. Thank you for sharing!
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