Reviews for Broken Promises
CARO chapter 15 . 3/9
Vhosek chapter 15 . 2/21/2019
It's so sad to see this come to an end but what an incredible and enjoyable read it has been! Thank you and I look forward to reading your next stories!
Meghanna Starsong chapter 15 . 1/5/2019
As per my norm, I am characteristically late reviewing. (Gomen!) But all that aside, I really like the ending of this story and how we got a snapshot into the lovebirds' life after marriage and just before a baby. It was also was a good wrap up for Desmon's character as well. The Hitomi in this story, just like in the series, has a great amount of compassion. I was also thrilled (and highly entertained) that the Widow and Allen are still an item and randy as ever. That part where they snuck away gave me quite a giggle. :D
Miniclio chapter 15 . 12/30/2018
Happy new year !
This is the end of this fic, but it's perfect, like always.
I won't write much now because I'm sick right now, but I really like it !
40four chapter 16 . 12/29/2018
That was an exciting last chapter with the Desmon conflict. Our dear Hitomi, always compassionate even when it's an assassin. I admire the way you so well describe Van et Hitomi's relationship, how they feel and think about each other and behave around each other. I'm very entertained about the small parts Allen had. Also love the way you solved the Hitomi/Merle differences through a simple back and forth. Well done! Thank you for writing this beautiful story.
Luin-fanel chapter 15 . 12/25/2018
Great end. And that theory about different species is really a good one, and about all, in the cannon is a little weird Folken and Van are ten years in between, obviously, VarĂ­e and Goau had... well, they married by love, so they want to have children, so, what you say is really logical, I never think about this before, so, thanks a lot, the chapter was great and the revelation was it too.

Thanks again for all this fabulous chapter and wish to read you again.

thepinkmartini chapter 15 . 12/24/2018
Wonderful ending to the story! I think the fact that conception was a problem for Van and Hitomi adds a realistic touch.
Mage Delbene chapter 15 . 12/22/2018
Thank you for the update, as usually with most of your stories your endings are sort of running cliffhangers lol I would say that you had me biting my nails off, but I'm not used to it, but I was a nervous wreck. hahaha... Suddenly, I started wondering if there would be more 'broken promises¡ when Hitomi went to 'meet' Desmon Lesieur but you are not that evil, but there was that little tiny moment that I was doubting LMAO.
I know you want a break, at least at the beginning of this story just hoping that you've got more plot-bunnies popping in your head. ;) Thank you again for an amazing story, I might not review a lot but I enjoy them too much after so much time with my fav fandom sleep state, you shake it and for that, I'm grateful. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year/Happy Holidays! Thank you for an early Xmas' gift!
Mage Delbene chapter 14 . 10/29/2018
I know that real life gets always in the middle, like my phone ringing telling me that this moment stolen from the morning previous going to my job is ending... Just wanted to tell you that your stories are still amazing after all this time, yes here is a die hard Escaflowne fan.
Only hoping that you have the time, will and joy to update soon and gift us with new stories. Big hug, and don't forget... You still have fans, even from as far away as Argentina.
Vhosek chapter 14 . 10/16/2018
This was such a good chapter and really showed to what lengths Van had matured by trying to do this for Hitomi!
Miss-Miz chapter 14 . 10/4/2018
Excellent chapter! Really liking this story and how we get to see both sides of the situations
thepinkmartini chapter 14 . 9/20/2018
Amazing chapter! Loved reading things from Van's POV.
Maybe89 chapter 14 . 9/20/2018
Sorry sorry for reviewing late! I've already read your new chapter few days ago, but didn't have enough time to write a review.
I really loved this chapter and Van's POV of things (and how he felt awkward around Hitomi's family was so adorable :D)
Keep up the great work and take your time! :)
thepinkmartini chapter 13 . 9/17/2018
Well I'm glad Hitomi and Merle have talked things out. Also love how Hitomi's parents were able to be present at the wedding!
Luin-fanel chapter 14 . 9/12/2018
I really enjoyed this chapter with Van, fun, cute and really interesting, thanks for sharing and don't sorry about be late, take your time to write another interesting and excellent chapter.

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