Reviews for One Heart Claimed by Two
Brookie Twiling chapter 1 . 8/21/2018
Brilliant story! The claiming idea is interesting, don't think I'd like it in any other fic, but the way you brought it in and explained it made so much sense... I reckon they'd do that kinda thing on the Isle. I really like your OCs, btw- half shipping Cain/Heart (only half though).
Niori chapter 1 . 3/21/2018
This was a really great story!
I hate mosquitos chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
Fun story, thank you.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/15/2017
You HAVE to write more stories like this! You deff had Uma, Gil, and Harry in character the whole time! I totally see Uma and Harry taking over as alphas, and Gil being the one to submit to them. Keep up the great writing! Deff feel like you deserve more reviews tho! I think ppl saw that it was like over 13,000 words in one chapter and got a little intimidated to read. :( But any way, you've got a fan in me! :D
naughtylittlesuccubus chapter 1 . 9/10/2017
that was so cute
Guest chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
This was sooooo good! Super dark but beautifully written! I think ppl don't understand how horrible living on the Isle can really be (since it is Disney of course) but the situation you presented with the concept of "claiming" seems completely plausible! I never really thought about that, and I totally believe that Harry and Uma would be in high demand. And poor Gil with his nasty father and terrible brothers. I don't really like the idea of Gil/Harry/Uma in a polygamous relationship, but that's just my preference. LOL I personally don't ship it, but it fits with this story since it makes sense for Uma or Harry to claim him (although it was hard for my HUMA heart to accept!) Overall, great job with this story! Can't wait to read more from you! You do these characters justice.