Reviews for A Hunter or Something
gogo bananas chapter 17 . 7/4
so that chapter didnt come
gogo bananas chapter 16 . 7/4
dogsnatcher. really. this better be terrifying
gogo bananas chapter 14 . 7/4
how are they just not noticing shit like earthquakes and mountains fucking falling down
TheChairIsAgainstTheWall chapter 17 . 6/28
Man, this is really good. I ignored it for the longest time, figuring that too many cooks spoil the broth, but it turned out great. Hope CF beats off the RL and can take it up again.
Nexus26 chapter 16 . 6/13
Barley found this story only to find out you never finished it. I only have one thing to ask... Why? This needs to be updated
Debunked by foot chapter 17 . 6/6
i wish you luck on your endavores and i hope that the story that replaces this one will be half as good.

i hope life finds you well

Mira Nightingale chapter 17 . 5/24
I can't believe I've only found this now. This is such a great story. Is this still being updated? I really want to know what happens next.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/30
are you going to finish or at least start again with this story? because I really like this story.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/26
Anyone wanna pull a misery on the guy to finish
SevenTpercent chapter 17 . 4/26
I don't suppose now that CF is in quarantine that he can pull a come back like some other authors have been doing?
sgtitanwolf chapter 17 . 4/22
Umm just wondering, are you planning to continue this Fic?
JohnL117 chapter 17 . 4/15
Just realized I'd never read the last chapter of this fic (last fic before hiatus anyways). I forgot how annoying I found Jaune in this one. Good story though, and I love the additional lore/focus on urban (country?) legends you and CF make up.
Midnight4568 chapter 17 . 3/27
doomqwer chapter 17 . 3/5
Hey is this still updating cause it’s past the new chapter mark and I find this really interesting
Coeur Al'Aran chapter 1 . 2/19
If you don't check out "SWBY" you will be haunted for the rest of your short life!

WOW! Fanfiction author "I Luvgrace420" just uploaded a new story and it is SOOO good, forget about this trash heap and head on over to his new story titled "SWBY: The Chronicles of Remnant" It was a crazy RWBY and naruto cross over that is to DIE for!

Leave a review too!..
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