Reviews for Wrong Side of Heaven
Rairi Valelira chapter 9 . 3/19
slyfox212 chapter 9 . 12/9/2019
Pls don't stop updating miss this so much
Dumbass Femme chapter 9 . 9/29/2018
Rn I cant help but feeling the oof sound of roblox, nice work!
Ace in the Sol chapter 8 . 6/12/2018
Oh, Hesh. The blame game doesn't work like that. You'll find her, bud... just maybe not in the condition you'd like. And, unsurprisingly, my hatred for Rorke continues to grow with each passing day. Wonderful chapter as always!
Dumbass Femme chapter 8 . 6/10/2018
SadY (I would use the meme but FF says I cannot)
Destiny's Freedom chapter 8 . 6/10/2018
Chills! Lol always look forward you your updates, keep writing!
Ace in the Sol chapter 7 . 3/10/2018
I was so happy to see this waiting for me on my day off! I love Charlie so much; she never stops thinking of ways to get herself out of trouble. I'm also very interested in Maritza and how things will change with how she handles Charlie. I don't imagine even she could keep Rorke away for too long, but if Charlie can keep it up she might end up a little safer.
Little Yellow Sunflower chapter 7 . 3/7/2018
Put the girl on Broadway, because she's good at playing faces. Rorke has to know she's up to something, but it doesn't seem like most people will believe him. Charlie had best be careful, though, because she can only play her cards once before the game is up. Great stuff, and well worth the wait!
Dumbass Femme chapter 7 . 3/6/2018
friendship ended with Ryder, now Maritza is my new fav side character
Destiny's Freedom chapter 6 . 2/3/2018
Love it! Damn she was so close to getting away
akana45 chapter 6 . 2/1/2018
NIEN more I need more this is so good I must know how much more badass Charlie is gonna be I'm sad now oh well I can wait keep up the awsome
Little Yellow Sunflower chapter 6 . 1/31/2018
This chapter is infinitely worse knowing that Ryder wanted to propose; that hurts me, man. Cuts me real deep. If I were Charlie I think I'd have been crying from sheer rage and frustration the minute Rorke grabbed her again, I swear. Also, I hope the sheer amount of sedatives built up in her system don't have lasting side effects- that much in one tiny girl in one day cannot be healthy. Anyway, I am eagerly waiting for more!
Ace in the Sol chapter 6 . 1/31/2018
Christ that'd suck- so so very close and yet. Not quite close enough. Rorke's a bastard like that, I guess. If he wasn't so annoyed by the Ghosts I'd say he did that on purpose. As usual, wonderful work! And, as always, on the edge of my seat waiting for more.
Dumbass Femme chapter 6 . 1/31/2018
This is insulting and unacceptable, they almost had her, almost! I hate Rorke a whole fuckin lot, wish he dies fucking soon, I can't stand the bitch. Shit, I can't wait to see in what this ends, besides, that El Mozo dude is probably young, cuz that what it means in my first language, can't wait to see that other bitch too.
Little Yellow Sunflower chapter 5 . 1/12/2018
Welcome back! I love Charlie so much, I swear. Rip his throat out, sister! Who agreed to let Rorke just murder their soldiers like, you'd think there'd be repercussions. Also, I'd say I can't wait to meet the elusive El Mozo but to be honest I'm pretty sure I'd regret that statement eventually.
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