Reviews for Keep Calm and Respawn
NerdyBookGeek chapter 7 . 7/28
Is it weird that I’m absolutely living for Taylor and Alabastor’s relationship? I just love their interactions and reactions to each other!
Mister Bombadil chapter 9 . 6/22
Reading the last bit with Danny out protesting the PRT was rather timely, with current events. Taylor's also had a few excessive force incidents which haven't really been dealt with.

I like how Coil's infiltration of the PRT remains a major thread - in a lot of the fics I read PRT corruption is a big deal at the beginning and then just kind of ends after something happens to Shadow Stalker.

Also started reading 'Death is a Vacation', it's neat too. The respawn power allows a lot of gory comedy.
deinspanjer chapter 9 . 6/16
This was a really fun story, and I would love to see more chapters if you ever feel up to it. Thank you for your work!
grovepjp chapter 9 . 6/5
Nonyaarb chapter 1 . 5/12
Damn Tayler. Once you confirmed died once, I expected her to just keep testing it. That just seems like something she would do. Not like or enjoy, but do.
Vilkath chapter 9 . 4/4
I have to say I just found this story and it's pretty amazing. It's a neat idea, which isn't unsual for Worm fanfics. What is more amazing is how far the author took it, far to many "what if" type stories die after the set up chapter. Sadly it's not perfect in that it was just getting to really good part and the story hasn't been updated in almost 2 years now.

I also can't believe you went 9 chapters without Leet and Ubber doing some kind of spawn camping joke.
Vilkath chapter 7 . 4/3
The Worm Universe is a weird setting. It's so dark it makes Marvel look light and happy. Nothing ever seems to get done because doing anything breaks the so called balance of power and makes it worse. Never mind that pretty much every government organization is corrupt and some kind of super space whales are secretly out to destroy every thing in the back ground.

It's kind of telling that the only way anything improves in Worm stories if some one is strong enough to Curb stomp every one at the same time. Any kind of "arrest" or capture of capes is doomed to failure as they just escape with ease or the gangs retaliate.
Karharot chapter 9 . 3/21
This ends in one of two ways, either Taylor will fall for Lisa and end up with her... or she will snap and stab her. Comments from Clockblocker were bad enough, having her own dad pick the subject of her news-worthy "kiss" is downright traumatizing.

On a different subject: Respawn could really use Bonesaw anti-pain brain upgrade. Not that even someone as reckless as her would be crazy enough to trust herself to such psycho...
Iryelb chapter 9 . 1/4
So, I read this before starting in on Death is a Vacation. I really enjoyed your take on this particular power and the obvious thought you put into its upsides and downsides. For instance, Taylor can force a reset even if not dead, though it won't give her a power boost. I hope you eventually come back to this story because I would love to read more.
Infinity Soul chapter 9 . 12/24/2019
Hey, I really enjoy this story, and I hope you continue it. It's a really interesting story idea.
Backseat reader chapter 9 . 12/15/2019
This was an interesting story, it’s interesting to see how Taylor’s powers affected herself and those around her. I also know it’s been a while since this updated, just wanted to say that you shouldn’t feel pressured to do so. I don’t know if your still writing other stories or have stopped writing altogether but I just want to wish you the best
mickeysofine chapter 9 . 12/5/2019
It's pretty good.
I think you've gotten some characterisation wrong, though.

Also, Shadow Stalker literally killed Taylor.
Piggot would have her crucified, not give her a third chance.

I'd suggest that you rewrite this.
PasiveNox chapter 2 . 12/3/2019
Yah noce
D1NGORED chapter 9 . 11/10/2019
I know it’s been over a year but I’d like to see more of this if that’s still in the cards. So many plot points just left hanging. It’s a bit of a shame to be honest.
Sneky chapter 9 . 7/22/2019
Highly enjoyed what you've written, the humor was definitely there. Not really a fan of how people use Taylor's undying power to just distract enemies, but hey if she doesnt mind then its whatever.
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