Reviews for Doing Chores
SecretFruits chapter 1 . 12/30/2017
HA! I love seeing bratty baby Malfoy get what he deserves. And the scene with the bra was really funny.
And then that scene at the end! So sweet. Poor Dobby. But good to see Draco slowly growing up.
WritingBlock chapter 1 . 10/2/2017

Why would you do this to me? My heart! Dobby and validation and feels equals a blubbering Web.

Also, I have to wonder, why did they start making Draco do the chores? Like, Lucius is such an uptight prissy boy, and I feel like he would've immediately gotten another house-elf, or owned another house-elf?

Narcissa! XD I'm dying! "A bra. Expect to see more of them, around fifth or sixth year."
Wanderer's Cynefin chapter 1 . 9/17/2017
This is something which Hermione would approve. At this rate, Dramione will be damn true XD

Jokes apart, Draco's realization was really very well portrayed. You know, making him do the chores and stuff. Although, I doubt the Malfoys will do that to their 'heir' but still the story gives a really good and strong message ;)