Reviews for Kill the DxD
Blood986 chapter 15 . 8/2
Thanks for leaving up this story I read it the first time and I still love it it’s a great story if you ever feel like writing again I’m sure it’ll turn out amazing this is by far still one of my favorite stories great job on it, it is brilliant and beautiful
Fullmetal11791 chapter 2 . 4/29
... why would Akame get a sacred gear if she's a Fallen? They're specially given only to humans.

Also, why is she not at all concerned about the fact she has no way back to Kurome? Akame's number one goal throughout the entirity of the story was to liberate and heal her sister if possible, and kill her if not. She only joined Night Raid because she was promised that they would not interfere with her goal. So having her not even *think* about that, while suddenly being infatuated with Tatsumi when she only considered him a friend in the source material, is doing a disservice to her character.
ZH99 chapter 15 . 12/5/2019
does anyone know who adopted this story
PoofyOhio chapter 15 . 10/16/2019
This was cool
Dartwins chapter 15 . 7/13/2019
holy shit it's been three years since I've seen this story, hey dude I highly doubt you'll see this but if you remember then you'll know I was a big fan of you, and even you don't think that you did any kinda of impact with your stories you are wrong, you fueled my imagination as a cringy little teen with your epic stories and how you set up two different animes, I still can't believe you posted my cringy fan art three years ago, but it made me feel special, like damn only two drawings were pretty good. Anyways thank you so much for everything. You are a guy with a talent. You are great, don't you forget that, peace old friend
Ger0nim0 chapter 10 . 6/21/2019
I love this. ;)
NuclearBirb chapter 3 . 2/28/2019
Man when tatsumi mentioned bulat as the only bro he needed just pull on my heart strings
Rahmanism chapter 1 . 2/22/2019
As usual, another abandoned fic...
ICanRememberThis chapter 15 . 1/6/2019
get well soon
Guest chapter 15 . 12/9/2018
It’s alright don’t sweat it, i can relate
Guest chapter 15 . 11/18/2018
Sorry to hear about the damage, friend. Really wanted to see this fanfic continue, but better to look after your own health and focus on real-life than writing stories. Take care.

Side-note: If someone does adopt a story from you, will you help them with the story by beta-ing or at least giving what your ideas were for the story, if you have them in your head? Would be nice for those who want to adopt, but aren't sure if they should out of not doing the original justice.
Bismarck Alexander chapter 15 . 11/17/2018
Well at least you’re still alive. If you had been dead we would never of known. It’s like the worst case scenario people on this website; one could die, physically, and we are left wondering for years what happened.

It’s a shame your retiring because of your injury even though you could find ways around the handicap and still work on fics.

However I hope you find suitable replacements, or ones that re better than you, to continue writing your stories.

Good luck with everything man.
Blood986 chapter 15 . 11/16/2018
I just want to say this is by far the best crossover I've ever read and done or not its a great story that I will remember for a long time, and prabably reread a dozen more times
Last Step chapter 15 . 11/16/2018
I'm so sorry to hear that. Not just because I loved Kill the DxD, but also that you have lost motivation to write. You are extremely talented as a writer, and I hope that one day in the future, you will find the spirit to write again, even if it isn't this story. Thank you for the story, and I hope you get better.
kaijin36 chapter 15 . 11/16/2018
Damn hope you can be better
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