Reviews for Chasing Glory
Nissa-Cullen chapter 40 . 6/2
Is that it? Is there more? At least Sam is alive and healing.
jessie267 chapter 40 . 5/27
Wow! What an amazing ending! Im so happy to have been able to read this amazing story! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication it took to plan and finish this story, I’m sure I’m not the only one who can say I wish I could watch this as a show but I’ll settle with re-reading it for the 100th time! Can’t wait to see what new stories you have planned
Les Kinagies chapter 40 . 4/25
Hello! I'm French and I love all your stories (even if I put very few reviews in English as it's not necessarily natural for me to write in English - I find it easier to translate -)! Therefore, I was wondering if it would be possible to get permission to translate your fanfictions... ((mentioning of course the fact that you're the real author and I'm just a modest translator)).
Thanks to you for your writings, I'm looking forward to your answer.
K Hanna Korossy chapter 40 . 4/24
Thank you, thank you for a happy ending! If Sam somehow didn't die at the end, it does make a lot of sense that Cas & Dean would be able to piece him back together between them. I love the idea that they'll have a home, but it's mostly just nice seeing them relatively at peace. Thank you!
Taura Callisto chapter 40 . 4/22
Loved it! So glad to see it’s conclusion but a little sad it’s over.
rosiea184 chapter 40 . 4/21
I’ve got to say, the time skip threw me off for a minute there. But I quickly figured out what was going on. This has been one heck of a wild ride and I loved it the whole way. The emotions, the writing, the story telling, the back lore was just so good. I’m sad it’s over for now (unless you do sequels or more side stories) but I’m glad for the fairly happy ending. This is awesome, hope to see more from you.
Nissa-Cullen chapter 39 . 4/16
Sam isn’t dead is he? I’d hate it for Dean if he was. What happened to the angels? Where did Sam send them?
K Hanna Korossy chapter 39 . 4/1
...wait, what?
Was this meant to address all reviewers’ issues? :)
K Hanna Korossy chapter 38 . 3/11
So much to appreciate in this, including how quickly you put it up. I love that Bobby is so endlessly clever and prepared. That we finally get an explanation why Dean, who still has a hunter's heart, prefers to remain a demon (although I wish he wouldn't, esp when he ages and Sam doesn't!). That you came up with a great use for Alistair. That the guys finally clear the air and resolve that no more secrets (I wish they'd do that on the show!). The cleverness of your depiction of Dean's binding to the three demons. And the tears on Dean's face that aren't just Sam's own.
I really, really hope a happy ending is coming, but I love that you keep me guessing on what's next!
jessie267 chapter 37 . 2/21
Thank you for the recent updates! I’ve been checking my email daily so i don’t miss any new chapters!
Nissa-Cullen chapter 36 . 2/20
Hopefully he will be ok. At least he was able to save Dean. Where is Castiel? Is he hurt? Will he come back? Will Sam be able to finish the trials?
Nissa-Cullen chapter 35 . 1/11
What the heck is going on? Did Dean seriously think that was a good idea? At least Castiel believes in him now. This is all crazy.
jessie267 chapter 33 . 12/9/2019
This is by far one of the best fic’s I’ve read, I love the way you portray every character. Makes me wish the show was laid out this way instead
Silent Sound 715 chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
A huge sequel! I just finished Catching Hell and I’m so excited for this!
Rege chapter 18 . 12/3/2019
Can i ask why Welp instead of well?
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