Reviews for No Requiem
Sehkmet chapter 1 . 7/20/2018
this is sad and chilling. Azula's characterization of pretty accurate and her emotions feel real. makes me wonder how the show would turn out without Zuko. would Iroh have turned against Ozai faster if he remembered watching his brother kill his own son? And would he be able to ascend the throne after Ozai's defeat?
FreehanderBaird10716 chapter 1 . 10/30/2017
I mean, daaaaaaammmmm
I mean, how, why, like...
Yeah I’ll have to agree with Adrimore on this one. Was NOT ready for that ending. Bloody brilliant, as always.
The best,
Adrimore chapter 1 . 10/6/2017
Wow this was a great story but even for Azula and at that age, I don't suppose she would reach that way given that she was never violent but will strike as necessary to achieve her goals and Zuko's death actually surprised me
misszeldasayre chapter 1 . 10/3/2017
Your summary hooked me, and the rest of this did not disappoint. The way you get inside Azula's head is eery, but spot on!
turtleducklingg chapter 1 . 10/2/2017
this was so good, you really wrote azula spot on! she's such a hard character to write, you really are a great writer
kdinthecity chapter 1 . 9/30/2017
Well you had me fooled. Azula was spot on. I've read zero other words of yours (sorry!) but I found these 4000 to be brilliant in flow and characterization. I could see all of these events aligning with the canon Agni Kai, but the divergence at the end was quite chilling.
shouldernova chapter 1 . 9/30/2017
so the thing about this fic is that even though i've read revenant something like 5 times, the moment we find out zuko dies? it still jolted me. like, it was genuinely shocking, somehow, really nice. also i love this written from azula's perspective. 10/10
TearsForTheDead chapter 1 . 9/30/2017
This was so good!
And how did you manage to write Azula? For real. I've tried so many times. But it's just so hard to keep her not ooc!