Reviews for I would crawl underground to sleep next to you
DobbyRocksSocks chapter 1 . 1/4/2018
This is heartbreaking in its simpleness and it hurts me, because losing a child is something no parent should ever have to go through, and everyone concentrates on George, on the loss of his twin, but you brought forth the parents loss and it's painful.
I loved the beginning part about Gideon and Fabian, and the line - until the time where they didn't. So simple and yet poetic and affecting.
I really, really love the way you wrote this, even though it's painful to read.
isaacswolfsbane chapter 1 . 12/5/2017
No. How dare you? How bloody dare you? This was not okay? On a scale of one to ten, this was Trump levels of not okay!

I have actual tears leaving my eyes because of you, Sophy!

So yeah, I loved it, and you did everything perfectly and the characterisation was perfect and the emotion was perfect and just just...

How dare you?

I know it probably hurts because like Fred's one of my favourite characters and all of that jazz, but it still doesn't make it okay.

But on a serious, this was incredible and I loved all the little extra details like comparing Fred and George to Fabian and Gideon even down to things like the smile.

Great job :)
jiangcheng chapter 1 . 11/30/2017
Sophy, I'm just .. in awe. You've made me tear up reading this, and I haven't felt like this since a sad Klance fic, and especially not HP fics. I love the whole concept of this. The parallels you wrote between the twins and Fabian and Gideon killed me. It was written so well and described beautifully. Your flow is impeccable and your prose is lovely. My favorite line has to got to be that she already said goodbye because my heart broke for Molly so bad. Your way with words is absolutely breathtaking. Well done! xx
Cookies and Ink chapter 1 . 11/29/2017
This just killed me. Any fic about the twins and Fred dying kills me but for it to be from Molly's perspective made it even harsher. In the most beautiful, tragic way but oh it hurt to read because you know as you're reading what's going to happen.

For a fic that wasn't huge it packed a punch. I think you wrote Molly perfectly, she can be a hard character to get to grips with but I think you had her, and Arthur/the few around her really spot on.

I'm kind of numb, I want to keep saying how vivid it was, how much it's going to stay with me, how you truly wrote something that I'm going to remember for days but I can't quite find all the words. I think it was your way with descriptions that got me, you used so many different senses - like when she's crying until she can taste salt on Arthur's skin, that makes it so visceral for me.

Just beautiful, beautiful tragic work. Thank you.
NeonDomino chapter 1 . 11/29/2017
Okay I actually have tears in my eyes at this fic because omg poor Molly - she lost her brothers and then she's had to watch every one (except Percy) of her children get involved in this war and Fred and George just making her think of her brothers.

Beautiful writing as always and you've really hurt my heart with this fic because as a parent, I can't even begin to imagine how devastating burying a child would be.

You really expressed Molly well here, really getting her emotions down perfectly and I like that Arthur was such a rock to her.

Amazing story as always!
konstantina732 chapter 1 . 11/29/2017
This was so heart breaking! I loved every second of it. I think Molly wad very in character and I loved the part with her brothers. I noticed a couple of SpaG mistakes like "there was a million thing", but other than that I loved it. Especially the funeral part it felt like I was there. Great work!
Maisie Malfoy chapter 1 . 11/29/2017
I do love the idea that she named them for Fabian and Gideon...
It's true that Fred was a very vibrant person in life, but then there's...death. I very nearly yelled, "NO!" out loud, even though I knew it happened in canon.
Part of me does feel like there should have been some sort of warning on this, but I can't think of what it is...
This was great. You are making it hard to pick favorites!
The Lady Arturia chapter 1 . 11/29/2017
I loved the mention of Molly naming Fred and George after Fabian and Gideon. That was great.

[coming out of her chimney] read super awkwardly and I instantly went *le gasp* Santa, is that you?! (ignore me orz)

There's something very poetic about your writing. It's just so beautiful and mesmerising and I'm drawn in before I stop myself (not empty compliments but the truth).

I loved the bit about her worrying if she had cursed Fred and George by naming them after her brothers and worrying that they would face the same fate when they wanted to partake in the war. The emotions were too real and aLL THE FEELS SOBS

Damnit, you have me choking up and wanting to curl up into a ball and cry WHY UGH DAMNIT. I loved the [If only] bit and the bit where she's like but we already said goodbye even though we shouldn't have had to. Reminded me of the whole [the most tragic thing is when the parents have to bury their children] thing. I thought you wrote the parallels between the two pairs of twins very well.

This was just... too sad. And too wonderful. And TOO MANY DAMN FEELS. I loved it.
Cheeky Slytherin Lass chapter 1 . 11/28/2017
I'm not crying. There's something in my eye. That's all.

Seriously, I don't even know where to begin with this. It was just so perfect all around.

I love the first moments. You set the scene and showed Molly's relationship with her brother's so well. Even though you didn't show their deaths, I felt it through Molly. It was still so raw and painful.

The lines about cursing her children by naming them after the dead and history repeating itself... that bit actually gave me chills. Because Molly chose the names to honor her brothers, but I can totally see how it could seem like a curse when the second war begins. I've never considered this before, but now I can't stop thinking about it.

I really want to pretend the description of Fred in the coffin didn't happen, but it's in my mind now and I can't shake it. Your mention of how he was so vibrant in life, then comparing that to how he's duller in death. Ouch.

Everything about this was heartbreaking and glorious.
MaryandMerlin chapter 1 . 11/26/2017
This actually brought tears to my eyes. It was so hard to read and my heart is thumping so hard and so hurting it might thump right out of my chest. It was beautiful in its heart wrenching nature. In the way that it made me sick with grief for them both. I thought you chose beautiful tones to convey the emotion and it was just heart wrenching. There was nothing that I picked up on that would ruin it. The flow was beautiful, as was the descriptions and characterisation. No SPaG mistakes. An all round beautiful piece of writing.
Emiliya Wolfe chapter 1 . 11/15/2017
This was well thought out. I like the way it starts off slow, then builds momentum, only to slide back to a gentle pace.
There are a lot of fics about Fred and George being named after Gideon and Fabian, but the part I liked about this one was the focus on Molly's feelings all the way up to Fred's death, as well as after it. It's true that losing a child is nothing like anything else. It's a true abomination - you don't expect to outlive them, and I like the way for just one moment her heart goes out to George and thinks that maybe he would have been better not leaving Fred, before hating herself for it.
Luckily, Arthur is there to be Molly's rock and support her through everything. Such an underappreciated character, and you did him justice here. Well done on such good characterisation!
MissingMommy chapter 1 . 11/10/2017
Motherfuck. I knew this was gonna hurt but it didn’t stop it from shattering my heart. I really hope you’re happy with yourself.

Just ugh. It was an amazing story.

[where Molly is glad that her brothers died together] - that sound? Yeah, that was my heart shattering.

It hurt to know that she got her brothers’ wands after they died. But I loved their little interaction with Molly at the beginning.

And Molly at the grave. [Fred had been so vibrant in life, but now, in death, he’s duller.] - this just hurts.

The only thing I saw was you switching from third to second pov. [The kind of pain that wrenches at your insides and leaves you raw and bleeding and yes, alive] - it should be something along the lines of “the kind of pain that wrenches at Molly’s inside and leaves her raw and bleeding and yes, alive.”

But overall, you broke my heart. Thanks.
WritingBlock chapter 1 . 11/2/2017
I told myself I wouldn't cry. And then I bawled like a baby.
The feels on this one! Good Lord!
I love how you gave us little bits of Molly interacting with her brothers, and then her comparing them to the Twins after their death. The tidbit where she was sobbing to Arthur about how they were too much alike really made my chest ache!
And the ending! As if my heart wasn't already shattered you had to take a hammer to the pieces! The only thing that could've made this more heartbreaking was if you had George join him!
plutoplex chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
This is heartbreaking
Marvelgeek42 chapter 1 . 10/2/2017
this is a wonderful story, Sophy
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