Reviews for Naruto: A God Among Shinobi
FangsWhite chapter 7 . 8/19
Objection Kurenai is not S rank
chris chapter 7 . 3/29
its a good navel keep going
Home World Security chapter 7 . 3/27
An amazing story! Hope to read more soon.
TurnupGrain43 chapter 7 . 1/21
I hope a new chapter is made soon I just finished the 7th chapter and can’t wait to read what’ll happen part of me feels that Jiji will still die and it’ll be when naruto shows his true power he has to avenge him but who knows what is planned amazing story
SelenetheNerd chapter 7 . 11/25/2019
I love this so far. Keep up the amazing work
Issei Uzumaki chapter 1 . 9/22/2019
Why does Hiruzen yell at Nartuo? "Naruto-kun!" always yelling haha. good start tho, like it so far.
fluttershywinde chapter 7 . 6/26/2019
Wish this had been continued
Silverman1212 chapter 7 . 5/15/2019
this was really an interesting chapter , many great changes , loved it . just wondering why would naruto take his time fighting gaara , he should have ended the fight early , they have to fight in the invasion so gaara being tired is bad , not that i am complaining , the fight was amazing and that lightning dragon was great idea . please please update more soon, its getting too good to leave us hanging . thank you .
Silverman1212 chapter 6 . 5/15/2019
interesting changes , naruto was playing with Orichimaru , i mean if he used just the normal sage mood he could have won , not to mention nine tail mood and six path and so on . anyway liked the chapter. but hoped naruto fought sauske in the first round instead of Neji and Gaara in the finals , well still great
Silverman1212 chapter 5 . 5/15/2019
i see you changed lots of small but important parts , now this is getting interesting .
Silverman1212 chapter 4 . 5/15/2019
that last scene was beautiful , i am giggling like an idiot right now hahaha .
Silverman1212 chapter 3 . 5/15/2019
great chapter as always , i thought he was gonna be in a team with Kurenai but this is better , like an emergency squad haha . anyway i want to see how strong naruto really is , i think he can easily win against even kage level ninja , well since he has all that power he is way too strong for anyone if he fight seriously .
Silverman1212 chapter 2 . 5/14/2019
great chapter , glad he is not in the same team as sasugay , but i thought the dead last would be shikamaru (mainly because he would find it troublesome to try haha) .
Silverman1212 chapter 1 . 5/14/2019
OMG i absolutely love godlike MCs and this is the very definition of godlike . all your stories has godlike MCs which i really really enjoy reading . this is gonna be a great read i am sure . please come back and give us more soon .
Buster8Dragon chapter 7 . 5/1/2019
hey author can you after the invasion start akatsuki arck
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